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R4 help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sizzleBomber, Jan 6, 2009.

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  1. sizzleBomber

    sizzleBomber Active Member

    I just got a R4 for christmas, and it worked fine. But over the past week or so, it has started to freeze occasionaly and sometimes, the DS doesn't recognise it. It works again afer taking the card out and putting it in again, but it sometimes needs to be done 2 or 3 times.

    I've been looking round the forums trying to find a fix for this, but I am still perplexed.

    I googled r4 and this is a picture of what I have http://i1.iofferphoto.com/img/item/514/486/51/DSR4.jpg. I've seen lots of threads talking about fakes, but I don't know what mine is. My dads friend ordered it and set it up for us, so we don't know what to do.

    Is there somthing I should be doing when using it or turning it off?

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    I would copy all your data onto your computer, format your memory card and find the latest firmware for it then transfer games/saves back onto the memory card.
    That should hopefully help out some.
  3. sizzleBomber

    sizzleBomber Active Member

    Thats what I don't understand about it. I get the saves and games ad stuff. But not the firmware or what I'm supposed to do with it. My dads friends gae us a disk with some games on and a folder with firmware in. There is 1.18 1.20 and 1.21. Does it make a difference what I use, or is it easier to just download from somewhere?

    Thanks for the help.
  4. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    1.18 is the latest official firmware version.
    I don't have an R4 so I can't say which third party firmware is the best.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Choose 1.18 if you don't have a (obviously stated) clone of some sort, like a SDHC.

    The other firmwares are for the clones etc.

    WAYMUS Member

  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Again, do not use all caps. You have an R4, so just use 1.18 from http://www.linfoxdomain.com/ds/.

    WAYMUS Member

    thanks do you know wt movie and music files the R4 surports
  9. calmcc

    calmcc Guest

    Hi Waymus,

    Well that's the thing with the R4; music-wise .mp3 format is fine, but I haven't tried other formats. It's likely that it won't play really weird ones like flac. As far as movies go, kinda screwed. It accepts .dpg format video files, which basically means that you have to convert whatever .avi/.mkv/.mpg/etc file you have to .dpg and then transfer it. It's an unnecessary exercise and I really think that you should stay away from watching videos on your DS unless you're a masochist and have a bit of spare time on your hands to do all that converting.

    This link will tell you a lot of the technical information of your DS/Moonshell combo, but unless you really want to play videos, all you need to know is that music is mostly fine, but video is a pain.

    Hope that helps.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not really, it's not that difficult to convert videos to .dpg, it's just the same for converting for your iPod, PSP whatever.
  11. afrokid13

    afrokid13 Well-Known Member

    i got this from this site and it fixed mine for a long time. http://www.r4ds-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1354

    heres the instructions they give you.

    The DS doesn't recognize my R4!
    The reason why yours isn't working is because for some reason the R4's metal contacts are not contacting with the DS's contacts.
    This is a somewhat common problem. The fix for this is commonly called "The Paper Trick".
    To do the fix:
    1. Remove the small screw from the r4ds.
    2. Remove the back and remove the main chip.
    3. Tear a small piece of paper off of something and fold that piece but make sure its not very large (you just want the chip to sit a little bit higher).
    4. Put the piece of paper onto what is now the front-back side on the place where the contacts used to be sitting on the r4ds and put the chip on top of it, making sure its aligned to the front.
    5. Finally sit the back of the r4 on`top of it, snap it together and finally screw it back together.
    6. The contacts should now be bulging out just a little bit and they will now make better contact with the DS contacts and it should work.

    I tried this when my R4 wasn't working and it fixed the issue for me... this process should fix it permanently; I have been using my modified R4DS for about a month now with no problems.

    In addition to these methods listed above, re-formatting your microSD card with the Panasonic Re-Formatting Utility(info and URL found here). If problems continue, get a new card reader. If they still persist, your card may have finally bitten the dust, and a new one is necessary.

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