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R4 Cheats doesn't work

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by weuspe, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. weuspe

    weuspe New Member

    I installed R4cce downloaded the usrcheat.dat. I activated in r4cce the cheats I want and placed it in my system ordner. In my flashcart i activated cheats in setting. I thinks thats all what i have to do, or? When i start my game and press l + r to activate the cheat it doesn't work. Any ideas?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Why would you need R4CCE for? It's not like you are using it to edit the cheat database, are you? And you can't actually activate cheats using the program either. All you can do is check if the cheat's database contain cheats for the game you are trying to cheat with, including edit the cheat database action replay codes, and uses the same game ID as the rom's game ID so that when run on the console, you get to see the cheat activation option below the rom's icon through your console if everything is in order. Else not. Depending on which cart you are using, and if you are using secondary firmware such as YSMENU or WOOD, then where to activate the cheats will vary. So no, I don't quite have much idea what you did wrong with some information missing from you. You'll need to elaborate your information with detailed background.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    First of all what is you're flashcard type ?

    If R4 original with its original firmware, the usrcheat.dat can not be bigger then 2MB in size, Wood r4 are ysmenu for R4 original can support much bigger size.

    Are if other flashcard, unsure of but might work in a smilier way.


    But usrcheat.dat should be used as is and not altered as may case problems.

    Are you can see and ask the cheat makers them self's see here: http://gamehacking.org/vb/forums/15-Current-Generation-Hacking
  4. weuspe

    weuspe New Member

    Yea i got original r4 with wood firmware. The cheat i wanna use is in the database with correct ID and Action Replay code. But i don't have any cheat options below my Rom. I can change some settings, and File informations.

    sry, but my english isn't very well, if you need any more infos ask for it and i try my best to answer these
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Long time sine I used wood.

    But answer found: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39598.0

    7 down.

    "When you turn on the DS, press Y for settings, X for cheats. Activate the ones you want, generate a .cc, then at the settings menu, press Y again. You should see some changeable settings. Press R and you should see something like "Cheats in Game". Change it so it says ON or Global[on]. It does not really matter which one you choose."