I want to run DSOrganize, but with wood R4 it doesn't work properly. I tried R4 1.18 and that works fine. The problem is now: I tried dual booting them with wood as _DS_MENU.dat and the with R4 as R4 1 18.nds, that didn't work. I tried R4 1.18 ad _DS_MENU.dat and wood as _DS_MSHL.nds and that didn't work either. Can anyone help me?
Sorry, but I don't get it out of the GBAtemp topic. Spoiler http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=51194
Spoiler wood:http://filetrip.net/f13270-Wood-R4-1-14.html r4:http://www.r4ds.cn/download/r4_v1.18_kernel.html would you like to make Wood the _DS_Menu.dat?
ok 1 sec Post Merge: [time]1287595580[/time] Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?b7ymlcsb6243ixr It could be that it freezes, if so then the file has to be decrypted diffrently!
Thanks, but I found it. Thought, why don't I look for YSmenu and check if DSorganize would work on that. And it works, but thanks for your help anyway.
I only use YSmenu to boot DSOrganize for the rest I'll still use wood R4 which is much more comfortable if you ask me