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Question with Chrono Trigger

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by spawn7883, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. spawn7883

    spawn7883 Well-Known Member

    A really odd and weird question about the game. I am currently at the part where Chrono died, after that I kill the dude (forgot his name) the magician I think with frog, I thought I have to beat him in battle in order to have him join guess I am wrong......now I talk to the old man about Chrono and he gave me a time egg. I know I have to beat the puzzle game to get a Chrono doll the problem begins I use Lucca to beat the game and I got a Lucca doll.........so what do I do now no Chrono and the magician dude and go on with the game??? Please help. :-[
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You'll find the answer here:
  3. spawn7883

    spawn7883 Well-Known Member

    I did check they only mention how to go through the game in a normal way. Headache for me right now. I can finish the game now, but without the main Character and the (magician dude) just weird right now.....
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No, the walkthroughs describe how to get Crono back.
    Even this one, top of the list. Look for the parts about the Doppel Doll.

    It doesn't matter if you get the Doll with Lucca. You just have to get it and do the steps required.
  5. spawn7883

    spawn7883 Well-Known Member

    Still sound weird with the walkthrough, anyway going to try it out first thanks!
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Spoilers lol.

    to get magus, you had to deny the battle with him, when he asked you had to pick no and not battle him
  7. spawn7883

    spawn7883 Well-Known Member

    Hehe yea figure it out the hard way >_< forgot to save before challenging him have to replay.
  8. boykidlat

    boykidlat Member

    The main hero can DIE?

    never encountered that...toinks. ^^ I kinda played chrono trigger the hard way before without gamefaqs and just played the game. ^^

    but yeah...you got it the hard way.

    games are a lot more fun to play without guides anyway. ^^
  9. spawn7883

    spawn7883 Well-Known Member

    Yikes so there is a way that Chrono won't die???