Not to sound nosy and stuff, but how is this site active with all the copyrighted material? (I read the rules and to my knowledge this would be the best place to post a question like this) P.s If your going to lock this topic you might as well hide it.
I have wondered that too... But anyways. Some game companies such as Sega ask to remove games off RomU, cause they are pissed it's even on there. Older games don't matter as much anymore, they don't make them and the only way you can get them is for super expensive on ebay, cheaper as a used game (depending on the value and condition) or totally free here, and other places alike RomU.
Preety much said right here I am still surprised though about it, one site where i used to visit (and a few others) had to remove any of nintendo's big name games from the list (all mario, metroid, pokemon etc) and thus left the site's with just everything else other than nintendo and the odd konami game. Apparently those were taken down via ESA action, and those sites while still being up...still can't host, yet we can XD I wonder why this is...
Like me. It's rare I rush to download the latest games for ds...and I already have all the ps1 games I need for now. All the rest have also been done, just super metroid is all I honestly wanted, got greedy