I'm guessing most people will have a pretty good idea of what this's about from the title, but just in case; it's the 3.21 PS3 update which removes Other OS support. This particularly annoyed me because I've spent the last six months working on my final year project for college which utilises the Other OS feature of the PS3. Basically what I was doing was using YDL to create an unofficial DevKit for the PS3 so that Indie game developers could make games in a similar vein as the XBLA games. I was only going to have these games playable on YDL for my project deadline in May, but was looking into exporting them in the same format as PSX games are on the PS3. Now it looks like there won't be any point in me continuing with this project as the majority of PS3s are no longer going to be compatible with YDL. I can't see how removing features from a product after you've sold it can be legal, but it seems that it is. A sad day for PS3 owners.
I really never understood why there needed to be an Other OS feature , until now. That sucks, a lot, that's all I can really say.
Well, technically they shouldn't remove a featured selling point of a console, even if it's a small percentage of users... Can't you just leave the console on pre 3.21-just means no psn network access? They removed it from slim owners for some unknown reason...but when that exploit came out it scared sony, who are now jumping hoops to block out piracy.
Yeah, I can finish the project purely for college, but now it is a dead end project that there will be no point in me polishing up and producing like I was planning.
I say keep going, make something, test it on your system and prehaps send the demo or whatever to sony...with a statement saying that linux was and still is nessacary for making sure products Try making an example for sony of how nessacary the linux was... (though personally I'd rather have windows on my ps3 since I'm used to that, but that's just me and my wild fantasies : )