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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jRockstar11385, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. jRockstar11385

    jRockstar11385 New Member

    I've been working on a novel for about five months, and all of my beta readers (some are close friends, others are total strangers) have said that I should consider sending it to a major publisher when it's finished. I myself am not too confident in my writing skills, but do you think I should still take a shot at it?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    self publishing is an option. You can do it through a website these days.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't recommend it, I suggested it. There's a significant difference. Getting accepted by a major publishing house can be very difficult, and in those cases self-publishing can provide an alternative route to getting accepted.
  4. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    If I'm not mistaken, all the other books after Eragon were published by publishing houses, even though they were still crap! I say go for it.

    You got anything that might sweeten the deal with publishers? Like, if it's sci'fi', and you're going for a sci'fi' house, you could mention you were part of these so-and-so sci'fi' writers guilds and organisations.

    If you're declined, don't worry. You know those Harry Potter books? I heard Rowling was rejected by at least fourteen publishing houses before someone actually accepted her...
  5. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    I am doing the same thing but the novel writing is slow because I am too busy (with games!). Anyways, go online. Changes are, once you publish it, Google Books is going to take it over! What is your book and there shoudl be a link to read are novel (or part of it or a summary!)
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I was thinking of the Reverand G.P Taylor actually. He's a British author who was turned down by every publishing house he approached, and so as a last resort he sold his beloved motorcycle to finance self-publishing his book. It was a runaway success and the publishing houses who had turned him down fell over themselves to sign him. He's now writing the fourth book in the series, I believe, and at one point they were making a film adaption of the first (I remember being in a cafe near an outdoor set watching them film it). First editions of the first book (the ones he self-published) are now worth around £5,000 apiece.
  7. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I'm writing a novel too right now. You should definitly go for it if thats what you want. If you dont want to then dont because it will mean nothing to you in the end. I will send my novel to publishers when im done and if they like it happy me because thats what i really want-to be published, and if not try again:D