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Discussion in 'Sony' started by derwerher, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. derwerher

    derwerher New Member

    im planning to buy psp this week but i dont know what is the best version or sumthing is there in the market ??? ???and will be able to play psx games ;D
  2. addku2003

    addku2003 Well-Known Member

    If you want to hack the PSP, read 1) .. if you want to do everything Legit, read 2) :

    1) You could 'downgrade' ANY Firmware for the PSP Fat, to 1.50 and then upgrade back with a CFW (Custom Firmware). So it shouldn't really matter if you get the newest version out... But, if you can. Check above the Bar Code, and see, (and get) the PSP-1001 (A-K)

    These are some examples of the letters being shown on the box:
    American (1.50)
    Australian (1.52)
    Asian (2.60)
    The label may look differently depending on your locale, but the code letter should be found directly under the voltage rating.

    Here are what the letters mean:

    No Letter = 1.0 (Japanese Release) 1.5 (North-American Release) confirmed
    A = 1.5 confirmed
    B = 1.51 confirmed
    C = 1.52 confirmed
    D = 1.52 confirmed
    E = 1.52 confirmed
    F = 2.0 confirmed
    G = 2.01 confirmed
    H = 2.50 confirmed
    I = 2.60 confirmed
    J = 2.70 unconfirmed
    K = 2.71 confirmed
    L = 2.81 confirmed
    M = 3.01 confirmed
    N = 3.03 confirmed
    O = 3.10 confirmed
    P = 3.11 confirmed
    Q = 3.30 unconfirmed
    R = 3.40 confirmed
    S = 3.50 confirmed
    T = 3.51 confirmed

    However, if it is a grater letter than K, not to worry. I believe 'Pandoras Battery' Downgrades to 1.50 from ANY FW. I never used Pandoras Battery, so I have no idea, to say the truth.
    But, there are a couple things to keep in mind. The different motherboards are harder to downgrade (But not with Pandoras Battery, as I'm hearing), here are the details:
    F and below - is definitely not a TA-082.
    G and H - is probably not a TA-082.
    I - is far too likely to be a TA-082; core or value pack are equally likely.
    J and above - The likelihood of a TA-082 increases but is not universal.

    So, yes! Try to get an 'extra' battery just in case, for Pandora's Battery to work. With a hacked PSP, with CFW, you have the ability to do whatever you feel like doing with your PSP! From playing PSP AND PSX Games, and Homebrew Without costing a cent! :D

    2) Okay, so if your going to do everything Legit. You need a PSP, and a PS3 to download the Playstation games and transfer them to the PSP. I believe each PS Game costs around 20$ US? Also, with any PSP FW you get, you can update to the NEWEST FW through the official website, and there is Tutorials how to place the updates into your psp, so no worries if your new as we all were at one point! The newest version FWs have alot of added things, and I believe you need a 2.71 to play PS Games as a minimum (Please correct me if im wrong?) Personally, I'd like the Hacked psp ALOT better, as you have the freedom to do anything. But, completely up to you,

    If theres anything that you don't understand from the Hacked PSP part, tell me what it is, and I will try to go more discretely in that area.
    Good luck purchasing your PSP!
  3. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    From what I've understood, you need a psp that's already hacked to make the pandora's battery. I guess I'll have to exploit my 2.81 with a UMD game.