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PSX :: Team Buddies Game Freezing

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by FlipStik, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    So I downloaded the ISO of Team Buddies, one of my favourite PSX games as a kid, and it downloaded as [nobbc]Team Buddies [SLUS-00869].rar.[/nobbc] Once the download was complete, I extracted it to my PSX ISOs folder. It created it's own folder and inside that folder were two files, a .bin and a .cue. Most places I've checked have said this is okay, and just run the .bin file. I did this, and after the normal little cut-scene-ish things that play, a loading screen pops up for a second or so, and then the screen goes black. It seems to freeze at this point, and I have no clue why, or how to fix it. Any ideas?
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What emulator are you using, and what plugins?
    Or are you using a modded PS One?
  3. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    I'm using ePSXe for the emulator, and.. Well, I don't know exactly what you would call them, but I'm using the plug-ins you can find on the left (The links on the sidebar titled "PSX SPU/GPU/CDR Plugins") of this page: http://www.pbernert.com/
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    This pack contains just about all the plugins you'll ever need plus a few that you don't really need:

    For your video plugin you should try using either Pete's OpenGL2 2.9 or Pete's D3D 1.77
    The default "Nice" settings in the plugin are usually a good starting point.

    Try different versions of ePSXe, like 1.5.2, 1.6.0, or 1.7.0
  5. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Then should I delete my old plugins, or does that not effect anything if I leave them there? Also, I'm using version 1.7.0 right now.
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You can keep the other plugins, the emulator will only use the ones that you tell it to, the others will just be sitting there waiting.
  7. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Well, now I downloaded and installed the plugin pack you recommended, and now I'm getting this error when I'm trying to change the video plugin, it's saying "This application has failed to start because WNASPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." But the problem is, I never went through an installation process with ePSXe, I just downloaded it..
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Did you recently uninstall any programs?

    Luckily Nero uses this DLL and has it available for download from their website.
    Put that in C:\Windows\Systems

    (But I don't know why it's looking for it. I'm pretty sure I don't have that file on my computer.)
    Turns out it is in my computer, it is sitting right in the ePSXe folders.
    So you don't have to put it in the System folder, but can put it right in the ePSXe folder.
  9. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Thanks. Also, uhm.. I can't seem to find either of the plugins you recommended.. =/ I really don't like this, it's problem after problem... It really means a lot to me that you're helping me out so much. =)
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    When you download the Plugin Pack and run the .exe file, make sure you choose the Plugin folder in the ePSXe folder as your install location. If you didn't, you can just copy all the files into the Plugin folder manually, or you can delete them and re-install them into that folder.
  11. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Yeah, I had done that. I have all the other plugins, but not the exact ones you recommended.. Like I have a Pete's D3D Driver 1.76, but not a 1.77. I don't know if this is a problem or not, or what.. I've already tried it with that one and it still freezes after the loading screen..
  12. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I was able to get it to work. (first time it froze at the loading screen, but then I changed some settings).

    ePSXe 1.5.2
    Pete's OpenGL2 2.9
    Default "Nice" Settings.
    Special Game Fixes enabled:
    "0x0001 Fake Low Compatibly Frameread"
    "0x0008 Fake 'gpu busy' states"
    "0x1000 Odd/even bit hack"

    I don't know if all three of those fixes are required, but those are the ones I previously had enabled. Without the game fixes enabled, it froze during the loading. With it, it loaded quickly and I was able to play the training missions.

    (It seems like a fun game.)

    If you don't have Pete's OpenGL2 2.9 driver, check here:

    For the D3D plugins, check here:
  13. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    The only parts I didn't understand was the "Nice" settings and the 3 things below that. What do you mean "Default 'Nice' settings'? And where would I go to change my settings to that? And how would I change the other 3 settings below that, too?
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It may work with 1.7.0 and the same settings, I just happened to have 1.5.2 readily accessible when I tested it.

    To configure it, just start ePSXe, then go to Config -> Video.
    Select Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9 from the drop down list, and click the Configure button.
    In the lower left corner, click the "Nice" default settings.
    Then check the box next to the "Special Game Fixes"
    Click the "..." next to it, and then check the box next to the three fixes listed above".
    Then just click "OK" on the windows, until you get back to the start (should be three OK buttons total).

    Then choose Run Iso and select your game. (You might have to restart ePSXe first though).
  15. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Okay, it works amazingly fine, now. Thank you so much, you've been a great help. There's one more problem now, I'm sorry to say, although I don't think it's a big problem. Now, my game screen isn't a full screen anymore, it's just a small window. Do you know how to fix this?
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Oh, that's part of the "nice" default settings.
    Back on that configure screen, near the top, it has a box for fullscreen or window mode.
    Highlight full screen again, and it will work.

    But a 640x480 window is the best to play the game in, since that's the same resolution as a TV. Anything larger will make the game look a bit worse and maybe stretch things out a bit (will still be playable though).
  17. FlipStik

    FlipStik Member

    Okay, thank you so very much for your help, you practically saved my life. I've been trying to figure out a way to play this for months. Thank you so much.
  18. Dapimp

    Dapimp Member

    I tried all those settings you said and my the epsxe screen just stays black and nothing happens when I try to run the game.
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Do you have the real bios in BIOS folder SCPH1001.bin?

    Pack with SCPH101.bin and memcards epsxe000.mcr and epsxe001.mcr


    Then config setings
  20. Dapimp

    Dapimp Member

    Yea the bios work and everything it's just when I try to run the game that this happens. I tried it on 1.5.2 and 1.70 and neither worked.