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PSX ISOs on PS2?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Busterthefox, Oct 12, 2009.

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  1. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member


    So lately I've been trying to write some PSX games to CD-RWs for play on my PS2...now, I just got the thing yesterday(The PS2, that is), so I'm totally new to the PlayStation way of things. XD

    I've used Alcohol 120% to write it, using the Play Station default(and I've heard it works best to write it at 4x speed...xp). But when I put it in the PS2, nothing happens. In the browser menu, theres the MemCard, but underneath that it just says "Reading disk...". And...it's just...flashing...down there...no matter how long I leave it. :-X I've also tried writing it with the PS2 settings on the program, but that doesn't work either.

    And, of course, it reads normal PS2 disks(And DVDs for that matter) perfectly fine. =p The only things I can think of right now that could be wrong:

    I need to get the full version of 120%?
    I have the settings wrong?
    Need a different program to make PSX games work on PS2?
    Need a better disk?

    PS2 console version 2.00
    Memorex CD-RW 12x 700MB disk
    Trying to write Final Fantasy VII (.CCD) or Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode II (.CUE)
    Obviously, I'm using the trial version of alcohol.

    So, anyone who can help? If you've got PSX games working on a PS2, please tell me how you did it. >_< Even if you didn't use alcohol. =p Thanks in advance!
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    You will still have to have your Ps2 chipped/modded to play back-up ps1/ps2 games. Also you need to burn the PSX games onto CD-R not CD-RW and just about any burning program should burn PSX pretty easily.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If you down't have a modchip , try geting a swapmagic disc.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    CDRWs will not work.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    A modded ps2 (ie modchip or "swapmagic" disc) is required.

    Also, you can't use CD-Rw's as the system can't read them-it's CD- only on that system.

    (And for ps2 games, except for the CD based games, it's DVD- or the dual Layer minus [DVD- dual layer] )

    And img burn is the best program to use-it's free-it'll redirect you to the correct files to burn if nessacary-and works the best.

    HINT-use lowest burn settings (I use 4x-ps2 games burnt on that setting because it's less strain on the laser-so I assumed it's the same for cd type disc).
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    CD+Rs do not exist. there is only CD-R and CD-RW. Lower speed does not have any impact on the laser, it just reduces the likelyhood of burn errors.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I read a few guides that kept repeating such a fact.

    Even the guy who modded my ps2 said "use 4x for ps2 games" and told me to throw out a few games I burnt...at 20x even though they worked XD

    Less strain they all said for some reason...to prolong the system I guess.

    (as for CD+-just covering the bases-editing post now XD)
  8. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member

    So...I need to use CD-Rs? =p Is there a way to do it without voiding the PS2's warrenty with mods?? XD I'm getting some mixed messages. :3

    Basically, will I have to spend money by ordering some sort of thing? I was hopeing mabye I could just burn and go. >.> From what I'm hearing, it's not so simple! XD
  9. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I clean forgot about "swapmagic".

    either choice you make for the mod it will void the warranty, it would be nice to burn and go but sadly that is not possible. So if your concerned about the warranty you have 3 choices either wait till it expires or find and older PS2 that the warrenty and mod it instead, and your last option is to just not even bother with it at all. And yes your going to have to spend some money if you want to play back-ups (unless you have a really good friend who is excellent at modding game consoles and owes you a big favor ;) )
  10. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member

    Aww, shoot. :( I can't mod it because it's my brothers. =p -_- Well, thanks for clearing that up for me. Well, now that this is resolved, I think I'll start another topic. >.>
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you could buy a memor32, they dont void the warranty
  12. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member

    O-o heh? memor32? Is that like a memory card that lets you play games out of it? XP Like, a FAT32 enviortnment...like NDS Flash cards...I'm not a big techie. XD Soooo, what's a memor32? :3
  13. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm interested in this memor32. how does it work? I searched it and would like to know because doesn't the ps2 load things from the disc? How does it work?
  14. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member

    I'm assuming it comes with a disk that reads it from the card? =\ wait, I know nothing about it...lol, but it could work that way I guess. XD
  15. peppero01

    peppero01 Member

    Ehh... Memor32 works, but isn't useful anymore. As far as I know, it's ONLY for PS2 games. PS1 games won't work this way. There's a newer hack based on Memor32 called Free MCboot that runs on a Sony memory card, but the caveat is you need to already have a modded PS2 or someone with a modded PS2. The only alternative is to mail out a PS2 memory card and have it modified for free (just pay postage) using this thread: http://psx-scene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58851. Don't worry about your memory card being stolen since I did this myself and received mine just fine.

    I typed this all up for your convenience, but if you just bought a PS2, then it means you must have bought the latest PS2 slim 9 series, which isn't compatible with this hack. As others have said, you can use a Swap Magic (this doesn't void your warranty as long as you use "magic keys" or whatever they're called) or void your warranty and mod it.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You tried asking him?

    he might like the fact he can avoid paying for games on an outdated console XD

    ...and if he bought it recently...brand new...he's crazy-my ps2 slim has a few owners before it-so much wear and tear...

    It was asking to be modded XD

    Just ask-if he say's no and is opposed to it...then...

    There is always pc emulators-they can read burnt disc of any sort-but you require bios (not hard to find) and patients...

    Plus they work better if the game's were in the data format (.iso, .ccd, etc) as they load faster.

    epsxe 1.7.0-the best pc psx emulator.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    memor32 is a memory card that allows you to backup your saves onto a PC using the onboard USB port. It is also possible to install a firmware that allows you to play burned PS2 games.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I have an original Xploder CD for PS2, When i formated my 16gb flash drive in fat32, On the boot of my xploder cd the flash drive started to read and i could see all my files on the drive, this will do for swaping saves to memcard, But it will not run the games!.

    I was wondering if i got my self a swapmagic disc could it read a image game from my 16gb flash drive?
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    probably not
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Hard Drive, Youtube video

    Part 1


    Part 2


    The only thing is that flash drives are now geting qwite big, upto 64GB, Are is a flash drive not as fast as a hard drive?, Do they both work the same HD and flash?, He did say he is using a external hd at 8GB, but my flash is 16GB
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