I rewrite this several times as I can't get it posted -_-;;; I'm looking for a PSX emu that allow you to use a cheat code or provide a memory search. As playing DQ7 and its money system is ridiculous (equipments are expensive and your gold from monster is a few.) Thanks. Also PSP 6.xx factory FW will not word with this. Yes, 3.52 pops can allow you to play but not far. You will get your PSP freeze and shut off in middle of storyline.
I did long time ago, the setting was confusing and I recall it need plugin to use the codes. Which is I can't find way to set plugin (or whatever it is) to use it properly.
Pec , google-d psx cheats and wala ;D . http://pec.duttke.de/ http://pec.duttke.de/download.php http://pec.duttke.de/makecodes1.php