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(PSX) Dino Crisis - enterrador666

Discussion in 'Review Submission' started by enterrador666, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. enterrador666

    enterrador666 Member

    Dino Crisis is another spawn of Capcom and in many ways a clone of Residen Evil. Well, actually only some elements like the controls are a clone of Resident Evil. Instead of Zombies you deal with Dinosaurs. This doesn't bring to much to the survival horror genre but it is a game that could stand alone. The characters are memorable, specially the main character. Regina unlike (Jill Valentine) has more spunk and attitude to leave a lasting impression (though I love Jill). The storyline deals with time travel or energy/power switching what exists in the now to what ruled/existed in the area ages ago. A team of hired/government elite Soldiers are to rescue a scientist in a facility that has come undre siege by an unknown force.


    Presentation 8/10
    The opening scene is great and it makes a great impression, it sets the mood of things to come. I really like the fact that they don't wait untill the middle of the game to show you what the main (or last) boss will look like. If you watch the opening scene you know who the last boss is going to be. Though the opening scene is set more in a jungle/mountain theme, the game never really takes place in any of it.

    Another thing that the opening scene lets you know is who the *sshole is going to be through out the game.


    Graphics 8/10
    We are talking about PSX (Playstation) graphics, for it's time they were awesome. Today they are mediocre but we are talking about when this game was releases. The cutscenes were great and the voice overs were awesome. The detail of the characters and environment during cutscenes was great. During gameplay the backdrops were not completaly fixed since the camera followed backdrops as you moved. The characters were detailed and well rendered (for PSX graphics) and the enemies were fast and vicious.

    What I hated was that even though the camera would follow you to a certain point you could still not see what was in front of you. You could hear noises but not see what was there. That added to the atmosphere of the game but at the same time (just like Resident Evil) would make traveling through the map annoying.

    Sounds 9/10
    To me the music sounded generic but the voice overs during cutscenes was great. It was very well done and it gave the characters a persona that one could remember.

    The SFX added to the game by making you guess what might happen and making you play the game a bit different.


    Gameplay 9/10
    Here is where the game shined! You had a few moments were you had to make a choice, at some point in the game it would change the ending. The enemies were faster and more vicious than Zombie (we are talking about raptors and T-rexes). The only problem that I had with the variety of enemies was that there were not a lot (you had raptors, a T-rex and some teredactols (I think that's how you spell it)). There was not a big variety of enemies but the ones you had were a handful. You had a limited amount of ammo but if you unlocked the red storage boxes you could offset it. The way the storage boxes connected was great, it helped throughout the game.

    Lasting Appeal 9/10
    This game is great because it brings a new chapter to the survival horror genre. The characters are memorable and it screwed with your head. There were a good amout of puzzles to keep you on your toes and enemies to keep you on your guard. It's not much different than Resident Evil but it manages to be a stand alone title. It might have been short but a playable addition to gaming history. With many unlockables this game will have you coming back for more.


    Total Score - 43/50
    Out of ten - 8.6/10
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    There's been quite a few reviews lately that just give a little summary of the game and then just jump right to the concluding marks with the presentation and blah blah blah.

    Like I've said in the other submissions, you need to have something in the middle to fill the gap. A good/bad, with explanations, perhaps a hypothesis of why no one has actually heard of this game, whatever.

    A brief synopsis + remarks, no matter how in depth those remarks may be, is not a complete review.

    An introduction and a conclusion really should not have the majority of the material. An introduction obviously introduces the game, provides brief background, and hooks in the reader, and the conclusion wraps up the body segments. The conclusion pretty much sums up or restates what was already said to make the review "full circle." You can take a lot of your concluding elements and put that as the body (rework it, don't just copy/paste), and then just recap with the Presentation and other marks.
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Put more information about the game.. :)
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    this bring back memories XD Regina's Cave girl Outfit = Win XD
  5. happydays82

    happydays82 Member

    By the way, If you're talking about the flying dinosaurs, I think it's spelt pterodactyls.
  6. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but for me this review doesn't do it. You're on the right track though. Just expand it a bit more. Explain the different elements of the game better. Good work and hope to see it complete soon.