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PSP upgrade info wanted

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Gobalot, Dec 1, 2009.

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  1. Gobalot

    Gobalot Active Member

    I have been happily downloading games and videos for my sons PSP and they have all worked just fine, but the last 3 games I tried including, Lego Indiana Jones II & FIFA 10 (I think) have both seemed to work fine, but when you try and play them an error code has come up. I have tried downloading them a second time, with the same results. Someone mentioned I had to upgrade the software from (I think) 5.01 to 5.5, but they were not sure if that would stop all my sons old games from working. He plays them all alot (he is 8) and I'd hate to mess up what is already working well. Can anyone confirm that it will work OK and where I can download and install the later version from. Many thanks in advance and please make it simple, I'm the wrong side of 45 years old !!!!
    CHEERS, Mark
  2. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    You're playing using ISO right ?
    You need to use firmware 5.50 GEND-2 if you want to play newer games.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    FIrst of all-what psp is yours and the firmware it's running?

    System settings>system info in the start up menu.

    I'm guessing these games are (from the looks of them) the latest games, and your cfw (custom firmware) is now outdated.

    2 options-you can manually patch games to work or upgrade to a new custom firmware.


    Download that first, but make sure you confirm there is a "550.pbp" in that somewhere-some sites include them, other's don't.

    Next, install that (instructions are there, but basically it's just inser that into the "GAME" folder on your psp, run that like a game).

    Use a spare memory card if you can just incase, and make sure your psp is at full charge or pluged in.

    Next is easy-just get this


    Same process-this just fixes any errors the above may have and have it running more or less like however your psp is currently running.

    Please note they have a new OFW (official firmware) out now and soon, all of the newer games will block out usage until they find an expolit.

    Post Merge: [time]1259677456[/time]
    But you need GEN-D first, D-2 won't work if it's not on D first.
  4. Gobalot

    Gobalot Active Member

    My system software is 4.01 M33-2, as for which PSP!!!! I seem to remember it was called a 3000, but a sticker on the bottom says PSP2003. AHHHHH... Just noticed it says that this new software is not suitable for 3000 model.... How do I check which model I have ???
  5. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Gah, I forgot about that.

    It is the 2000 it seems....
  6. Gobalot

    Gobalot Active Member

    How do I confirm it is the 2000 and suitable for this upgrade?
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's more or less a 2000 type model, same as mine (lucky-some of those are like 3000's).

    If it really was a 3000 you'd be limited to what you could do for it upgrade wise.

    If whoever sold it to you prehaps it's worth a complait, or a compliment-the newer psp's are harder to crack XD

    Ok so BEFORE you upgrade to GEN firmware, because your's is older than I guessed, first upgrade to 5.00m33v6.


    Use this to first more yourself to 5.00m33v6, then to the above suggestions in the order I posted.

    If your lost on the menu, try this.


    Click on the top option highlighted, or if the menu differs, anything about the m33.

    And allow it to "flash" or reset the system, it only means you have to enter your name again, just to be on the safe side.
    Post Merge: [time]1259679038[/time]
    With the firmware you said it has yes, a 3000 can't run that firmware.

    It would have broke trying to get that on.
  8. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    My PSP has a writing near the barcode under it that says 2001, so yes your PSP is the 2000 series.
  9. Gobalot

    Gobalot Active Member

    Excellent, thanks all for your help, I will try to upgrade to 5.00 first, then make the other two upgrades...HOPE IT WORKS !!!

    Regards, Mark
  10. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I tried that Indiana Jones with 5.00m33-6 on Sunday,and I got that error code also.
  11. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Upgrade to Gen-D then Gen-D2, follow the link that hYpNoS gave ;)
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It should work.

    You can try patching the games with a game dycrytor.

    I suggested going to 5.00m33v6 just incase GEN doesn't allow upgrading from such a low number.

    3 step process-5.00m33+GEN D+GEN D2=Perfect for the current games :)
  13. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I just deleted it Randolph.But Ill switch to Gen soon,cheers
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    SHould have kept it for future use-just because something doesn't work now doesn't mean it's to be deleted.

    Lucky for me I have an external hard drive, 1TB..already full of games that didn't work at first :)
  15. Gobalot

    Gobalot Active Member

    CHEERS hYpNoS, I have downloaded the first part (Hellcat's Recovery Flasher v1.60 - 2.3 MiB) to a file, but what do I actually do with this ? How do I get it onto the PSP ? Do I drag and drop it as a game file ?

  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Preety much you locate a folder in your psp called "GAME".

    Should be inside the "PSP" folder.

    Can't miss it.

    Once you do, follow the above advice, the program will warn you and if it offer's safe advice (as the program has a few fail safes) do as it may suggest.
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