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[PSP] Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 2 (JP) - lester2020

Discussion in 'Review Submission' started by lester2020, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. lester2020

    lester2020 Well-Known Member

    Developed by: Alfa Systems
    Published by: Namco Bandai
    Release Date: January 29, 2009 (JP)
    Genre:        Action RPG

    The sequel of Radiant Mythology, and the fifth title of the Tales of the World Series.

    Radiant Mythology 2 has been improved since the prequel game. As the character customization screen you choose from different facial options from hair, eyes, mouth, and color of your character. Also it lets you choose the Jobs from RM1 (Warrior, Swordsman, Mage, Hunter, Fighter, Thief, Priest). The storyline is longer and more close up, and actions of the characters, and a few anime cutscenes added.

    I finally got this game, even though it's in Japanese and I would say "What the Heck? How Am I suppose to play this game." With a little understanding from Japanese languages and video contributors for this game on YouTube. I finally beat this game.

    At first you will be surprised Kanonno is back and wondering "Is this place, Kanonno's home, Pasca?" and no. You're in a different World with Kanonno by your side. And guess what, she has a last name, Earhart. And you're now inside the most notable ship ever the "Van Eltia." And your adventure has just begun.

    Still the concept of this game is the same. Born from the World Tree and so on and so forth. But you'll doubt that this game is still another ripoff.

    The main storyline seems a bit straight-forward, still a good game if you ask.

    Namco Bandai already made a few changes from their first mistakes.

    The new Character Customization Screen

    One of the new Job Classes "Dual Swordsman"

    The lobby of Van Eltia

    Kanonno returns and playable too

    The reanimated Hi-Ougi.

    This the new World you will be

    The main dialog box of the game's site via PSP (Left). The EX Attack System from the PSP Game site (Right)

    The Inside of the Colosseum (left). The Arena inside. Is that a Giant-Walking Fish?

    There are new features for Radiant Mythology 2:
    World Map:
    - Instead of you going around all over the world, you now control the ToE's ship Van Eltia and choose a location you want to go.

    Storage System:
    - Having more items in your inventory, at the Mess Hall of the First Floor. Panille (similar to Mormo from RM1) will give you access to the storage. Just deposit the eqipment you want.

    Job Classes:
    Instead of Job Invitations, you can unlock other jobs classes by leveling up certain Job Class in a certain level.
    2nd Job Classes: One Job Class at level 15
    3rd Job Classes: Two or More Job Classes at level 30

    -Five new classes where added to the list:
    Dual Swordsman - Uses two swords to increase close-range damage and attack speed.
    Great Swordsman - Uses one, large sword. Slow, but extremely powerful.
    Pirate - Adept at both close and ranged combat with a dagger and pistol.
    Monk - A Stronger version of the Fighter that uses healing spells.
    Paladin - Also uses a large sword, but has healing spells.

    Artes Slot System:
    Removing the shortcut key (L+Directional Button), and hello to the Artes Slot System. This system has 3 Slots for your Artes/Spells, summing it up to 12 Artes. Pressing the L Button to change from Slot 1 to Slot 3.

    Kanonno Earhart returns as the original character of RM2. Previous Tales Characters from Radiant Mythology also returned for the sequel and added new characters from old and new Tales Series. Characters from RM1 who are not playable are the opposite in RM2.
    Added Characters:
    Phantasia - Cless Alvein, Mint Adnade, Suzu Fujibayashi
    Destiny - Bruiser Khang, Lilith Aileron
    Eternia - Farah Oersted, Keele Zeibel, Chat, Celsius
    Destiny 2 - Kyle Dunamis, Reala
    Symphonia - Collete Brunel, Zelos Wilder, Presea Combatir
    Rebirth - Veigue Lungberg, Mao
    Legendia - Chloe Valens
    Tempest - Caius Qualls, Rubia Natwick
    Abyss - Guy Cecil, Jade Curtiss, Anise Tatlin, Asch
    Innocence - Ruca Milda, Iria Animi, Spada Belforma
    Vesperia - Yuri Lowell, Estelle

    Quest Taking:
    The same procedures of taking a quest, except for one. After you choose the World Map, Van Eltia will automatically be at the designated area for the quest. Simple and easy. Two new details of the quest were added: detail description, and reward description.

    Downloading is a must
    The game has its own site via PSP. You can create an account, this site will let you upload or update your character as a mercenary; download other player's characters, items, or even the ex attack game file, where they let you compete for who has the longest/shortest time and win a prize. Also having the save file of the 1st Radiant Mythology game, will give extras and overwrite them in your RM2 Save file.

    Presentation: 8/10 - The storyline is longer and better than the last one. The menu has a background in it, nice.

    Graphics: 8/10 - The whole map, and the battle field has a more vibrant feeling that you're stills inside of the area. And the Skills and Spells graphics are pretty impressive unlike the first game. The Mystic Artes also re-animated

    Gameplay 8/10 - Using the Flex-Range Linear Motion Battle System. You can move freely, but still if you're a Spell Caster class you need luck to cast that spell at the right time. It gives the player advantages on using items while the enemy is in the opposite.

    Sounds:10/10 - The sounds are really nice. Even for the Tales Battle Themes were revised as "true" Radiant Mythology sounds. The voices of the characters can easily be recognizable from different anime series or the previous video game roles.

    Replay: 10/10 - Completing the Game you can chose either Continue Game+ or New Game+. Continue Game+/New Game+ will give you access to the World Tree were all monsters from different dungeons are buffed up and good for level grinding other low-level characters. The Versus Trial quest can be use again at the Colosseum, fighting Tales characters from 1 on 1, 2 on 2, or 3 on 3; and also relived the time you beat the boss monsters.

    Total Score: 44/50 - Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 is good and descent game. Where all the weakpoints have been strengthened. And if your a Tales fan or not, you might at least play this game if there are no other RPG Games with 3D Graphics.
  2. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Any Gameplay screenshots you can add?
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    you can understand japanese?
  4. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    He just made a review out of the game, isn't that obvious? Although, I'm not really sure. :p
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This is how a basic layout of a review should be written. (newbies, are you reading this?)
    Just needs a few more screenshots and it's complete.

    Intro. Check.
    Body. Check.
    Concluding Marks. Check.

    Oh, and there are other RPGs with 3D graphics. It's called Crisis Core. :D
    I need more than just FF7CC though, so this will do when it comes out in English.
  6. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    i mean to write a review the best way is to finish it first so if you cant understand japanese and thats the language of the game then how did you understand the plot?
  7. happydays82

    happydays82 Member

    That answer your question?
  8. lester2020

    lester2020 Well-Known Member

    Finally updated with screenshots of the game.
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Nice review.
    Maybe you can put more explanation about the gameplay. :)
  10. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Even though this is a sequel you still have to construct your review in such a way so as to account for people who have never played the original and have no idea what this game is all about. Some readers have perhaps not played the original and it will be hard for them to understand what you are talking about if you keep referring to it. Mentioning it is not a bad thing, but do so in such a way so as to still individualize this game. I cannot accept this review because it's not really a review. You have just summarized the main features of the game in a sort of bullet system. There is very little opinion and explanation. Your hard work is appreciated but take note of our already accepted reviews to see what kind of structure we accept. :)