Now that i'm running 5.50 Prometheus(YAY), what are the plugins I need? I've heard of Ultimate VSH menu, POPS, and w/e that cheat plugin was(Can someone remind me?). Any other I may like, and how to install/activate them on Prometheus would be great.
...I haven't used them on that yet but the plugins should work the same way as they did on other firmwares. Ultimate vsh menu is very handy, press select with this active gives more menu options, thus the recovery menu is not needed, but if you need, it can be summoned without a reboot of the psp (Well back in the days of 5.50 gen d-3)
Ok, So how do I get into the recovery menu? I remember hearing you activate plugins through there...And can you remind me of the name of the cheat plugin?
I forgotten the cheat plugin...somewhat. Im thinking cwcheat, I used it just for gran turismo psp, as for the normal recovery menu the normal method just hold R (or L-been ages) and then turn on the psp while holding the button. If this fails then the firmware lacks it and is plugin based (on older firmwares, it was standard built in, with all these updates Im out of the loop)
That was it. It booted into recovery using "R" <3 BTW, I don't think the Ultimate VSH menu works on Prometheus. It's enabled, yet I still have the same VSH. =/
Are you sure.I think I get ultimate vsh menu on gend3 and prom.Press the start or select button as I cant remember which LOL