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[PSP] Monster Hunter Series - Malice_Dragon

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by Malice_Dragon, May 24, 2009.

  1. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    The very first time I played this game I was quite a bit younger. I didn't really game as much as I do now. I was hanging out with a friend of mine, and he asks me if I wanted to play 'Monster Hunter'. I thought the name sounded damn awesome, so he let me borrow it and I played it for a while on the PS2 system, which the game was also available on. However, this review will concentrate on the PSP system releases.


    Gameplay in Monster Hunter differs, depending on your fighting style. I'll be concentrating on the speedy style of the Sword and shield weapons, as they're the weapons I use in Monster Hunter. Using the Sword and Shield, or SnS as they're often known can be fun, but tedious if you're going it solo. SnS concentrates more on speed than power, because of this many tend to avoid it, however, I personally like slashing at a monster's face and then nimbly rolling out of the danger zone. Playing this game online via the PS3's Ad-Hoc party improves the game. There's a great community willing to help out new players, which is reassuring to said players. The game is playing with 1-4 players at a time. Players can explore amazing looking environments. From lush and green hills to a barren volcano and back to a poisonous swamp. One Major con of the game is that fellow hunters can hurt eachother. This does not actually cause any damage, but Hunters can be sent flying by an upwards slash. While this is rather amusing the first few times, it can prove to be a big bother while fighting the tyrants that rule the world of Monster Hunter.


    Weapons and armour offer great variation, and often resemble the monster they're made from. The Rathalos armour, for example is made to resemble the big beast. However, there are some armour sets that look nothing like the monster that you make them from. The Male Rathian armour, for example, doesn't have very much in common with her. Weapons use both Raw physical damage, and Elemental damage. Both have a number that represents their power. Weapons also have sharpness, which is represented by a bar with colours ranging from red to purple. Sharpness is required for the bigger monsters.


    Now onto the music, The music in Monster Hunter is epic. The theme song can get stuck in anyone's head, however sadly it gets old after playing the game for a long time, so listening to your own music is required, if orchestral isn't your thing. Despite this I still love the theme music, hearing this while fighting the Lao-Shan-Lung, a giant dragon that can walk through mountains, does nothing but make you feel manly, even if you're a woman. Seeing the 'Mission Complete' message can be one of the best feelings a gamer can see, while seeing a giant dragon run for his life...well, walk for his life.


    The Graphics in Monster Hunter are very impressive for the PSP system. Because of this there can be some serious loading times. However, there is an install option, which literally kills the load time, there is also an option that preloads other map areas before you reach them, which makes the load time all but dissapear. It's recomended to be charging your PSP if this option is turned on, it'll drain the battery power dry, which can be a problem if you are playing this outside, or have taken it to a friend's and forgotten your charger. Now, back to the graphics. They really are impressive for the PSP system, they match, or even surpass that of the PS2's. The Graphics have, however, been surpassed, it would be great to see the next installment of Monster Hunter have superior graphics.

    [Presentation] [Graphics] [Sound] [Gameplay] [Lasting appeal]
    7/10 8/10 10/10 10/10 10/10

    [Final Score]
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    please check the review guidelines, you've missed off some requirements (there's 5 categories for scores, and the review also needs screenshots).
  3. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I looked through the guidelines and I didn't see anything about screenshots, and there were only 4 sections, am I looking at the wrong post?
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Review Forum Rules :) You're missing Presentation :) Screenshots help so people can see what the game looks like, and to help 'structure' out the review better.
  5. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I fixed up the review a little to fit the guidelines. This is my very first review, but I've played ALOT of games, so hopefully any other reviews I do will be much better