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PsP Go: An awesome System or A total Rip?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by KSbored, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    PRO'S: ;D
    -Slides Out
    -16 Gb of built in memory
    -No Umd
    -Looks great
    CON'S :(
    -Still has only one analog stick
    -Some people hate the position of the analog stick [hard to play shooters?]
    -Some says it costs more than how it is actually made
    -And of course the price of $249.99

    Questions ???
    -What will happen to the UMD's we already have?
    -Will we have to repurchase games?
    -Is it true that SONY's making in-store Kiosks, that allow gamer's to dump UMD data into the PsP-Go's Memory?
    -Is SONY, willing to slash prices anytime soon?
    -Are those of us who have to pay for our own things screwed?!?!?!?!
    What do you guys think and why? :p
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Just like DSi, a total Rip off.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    FIXED :p
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    having it slimmer will make it even more fragile
  5. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    but more portable. seriously what are you gonna do to your PSP that will break it? all you have to do is look after it
    cause theres no UMD you have to buy and download all of your games from the playstation store. but there arn't many games on the PSstore. even if they release all the new games on the PSstore you wont be able to play older games
    so PSP Go has its ups and downs so what? it there for people who want it (like me)
  6. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    i wonder if it's hackable though
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    the new unhackable PSP 3000 have been hack...... its only matter of time when PSP Go is hacked.
  8. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    It's just a rip-off, they should have made an all new Handheld
  9. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

    I don't know why Sony is trying so hard to compete with the iphone. I didn't see Nintendo go crazy when Snake was first released on the green screen Nokia phones. lol.

    Personally I will wait till they offer something more worth my money. In terms of everything apart from the internal memory, it's not really an upgrade.

    They really should stop spending production costs on new hardware when it's the software dept that is really lacking for the PSP.
  10. Fripplebubby

    Fripplebubby Member

    I have to say, the DSi and the PSP Go are both really disappointments for me. I think that all Sony and Nintendo are doing is re-releasing old hardware in new shells. I think that in the battle between handhelds can only be won if one of the big three releases a new, gaming-only (E.G. Not the iPhone) handheld. I mean, the DSi plays the same things as it did five years ago, and the PSP Go plays the same as it did... However many years ago the PSP was released. Someone needs to make something really new!
  11. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Honestly, they should already be developing something new, but they need to make upgrades to keep their profit rising. Also: A system with a huge library will be enjoyed by the upcoming generations. Therefore, more of those systems will be sold.
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i dont want a new system so fast.....
  13. Karl202623

    Karl202623 Well-Known Member

    A Total Rip Off,The Old PSP Was Kind Of Better,This Is Just Like The DSi,A WASTE Of Money.
  14. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

    Sony said the psp is a 10 year product. That means that from what they want, we're going to get stuck with rehashes of the psp untill 2015.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...you guys have heard the UMD service right?

    To legally transfer your UMD's into data on your psp-or maybe something like the itunes prehaps?

    But to those who just got one-it might be a full back catalog to download it all again!

    ...can't wait until it's hackable...16GB+16GB internal=all in one hack system perfect for me and my "hoard it all up" attitude :)

    But I do hate the "stick" from day one, now they may have made it worse...

    But look at the psx controllers, or ps3....SAME POSITIONING!

    ...and I always hated it, right when I first found out about it....it they did a 'cube (oppisite way) might have been netter..but the stick should rol around, not push!

    In concusion-while I own one, I hate it with a passion-none of the money that's gone into it has gone to sony-and the programs on it are there to exploit such a system...
  16. exiavalanche

    exiavalanche Well-Known Member

    well if it's to slim it ould be fragile anid if you drop it it could break that happened to my psp i put on my tv then it fell and the screen broke
  17. tranceman01

    tranceman01 Active Member

    its probably a recession planned tax write-off while getting rid of backstock boards and extra parts from contracts with manufacturers. they just slapped them all together in a new shell and released it as the psp go. the other reason is that they may have wanted to test out an all digital system and didn't mind a loss of funds if it failed. but to go back on topic i think its a neat idea, but its not the right time because people would still rather have a physical copy of the game in their hands that they can do what they please with regardless of how much it costs to produce one. ESPECIALLY when the digital copy is the exact same price as the physical copy. so my vote is until they drop prices of new digital only games its a complete and total rip off
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    it's ok i guess. the manager at my local gamestop said that they sold 3 and 2 were brought back the next day!!XD

    so it's a rip i guess.

    i wouldn't buy one until it's hackable, for the public that is...not typhoon or anyone else exclusively.

    one reason why sony made it was to decrease piracy....it worked for 3 days!! or 2? forget.
  19. mo_chedda

    mo_chedda Member

    my friend got it.....
  20. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    I think PSP Go is actually kinda cool but still I prefer the old PSP of course but the most I loved my DSi it has better specs and some really cool dsiware so its not 100% same as a DSL and definitely not a waste of money