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PSP Browser Damaged???

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by B0bo13o, Dec 28, 2008.

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  1. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    My psp was connected to the internet and all. The browser worked fine. Now after the pandora battery hack the browser is not working!!!

    WTH anyone know whats going on?
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You probably downgraded to a firmware that doesn't have the browser
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    are you still on CFW 3.71? upgrade to 5.0M33.
  4. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Yea I am on 5.0M33
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Have you got all the necessary files?
  6. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    What are they?
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Search on google, if I recall there is a whole site with a forum explaining this stuff
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