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PSP 2000 or PSP 3000

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kagetsuu, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. kagetsuu

    kagetsuu Member

    Hi, I am going to buy a psp but I am not sure if I should buy the 2000 or 3000.

    I heard that psp 3000 is not fully hacked so that means, people can't trun off their psp and need to reinstall something every time when they restart their psp....(sounds quite troublesome)

    I heard psp 2000 can be fully hacked, so it would be easier for me to play the cracked games....BUT I am not sure if I can play all the new games on the 3000 though?

    Also, I think I need something called Pandora Battery...what is it? Can I get it from the store( I don't know much about psp and games in general ^^;I am new)

    Is it difficult to hack psp 2000 and/or psp 3000?

    Whcih version of psp 2000 should I buy if I want to hack it?/( I heard something like I shouldnt buy the version 3 ones or something like this...?????? not sure though???)

    I called a local store this morning and he said that there are a few psp 2000 left and they are new...should I actually trust him beacuse I heard it is really hard to find a new psp 2000 now, and they stop making the 2000 like a few years ago, so even if I find a new one, it is not actually new or something.....I really don't know T______T
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Not all 2000's can...some are 3000's in disguise so to say...

    Get a 1000, safer option (but less homebrew support due to lack of power in the 1000's)
  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    the psp 3000 is better then the 2000, but if you want to hack it, get the 2000, make sure that the motherboard that comes on the 2000 is hackable, becuase some arent, im not sure which ones, since i have the psp 1000, which is fully hackable, and prefer much more than the others. you dont need to buy the pandora battery to hack the psp. search on google how to make pandora battery, but make sure your psp is able to read homebrews for this. the process is pretty simple, you just need to find the programs needed to hack it, and there are pretty good tutorials on how to do this. to hack it you need a pro duo magicgate, at least 1gb in size, otherwise you wont be able to hack it, but later on you can try this to carry lots of games
    its a dual sd adapter. i did this, i have 2 16gb sd cards, having 32gb in my psp. this is cheaper than buying a pro duo with high capacity. oh, i forgot, if your not able to make a pandora battery, ask one of your friends if he has a hacked psp to make you one. and dont worry about your battery, you can put it back to normal too. 1000 series, dont have much ram, but its enough, homebrews run fine
  4. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I've got hacked 3000, for now, I can't say a bad word about it.
    Reinstalling temp hack is really easy.
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    For ease, a 2000 series will serve you far better than a 3000 series. As has already been stated, you do need to get an earlier model of the 2000 series for it to be hackable. Although temp hacks may not seem like a pain at first, overall, it will be far easier to get permanent hacks. Really, a 1000 series is the best for hacking, but an earlier 2000 series is ideal if you can't find a 1000 series.

    Pandora Battery: I'm pretty sure you need one of these to hack the PSP. They are relatively cheap, though I'm not sure where you would get them. I'll let somebody who knows a little more than me recommend a place. By the way, it is actually a battery. It is what it says it is.

    If you find a new PSP 2000 series at this point, it probably isn't a hackable model. I wouldn't bother with it.

    Anyways, that's all I've got.
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    yeah, i recommend the 1000 series aswell, but you dont need to buy the pandora battery, the psp just needs to be able to run homebrews, and then download a program to create a pandora battery from your battery. thats why i said if the psp you buy cant run homebrews, ask a friend if he has a hacked psp, to make you one. only buy a pandora battery if these options dont work.
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Forgot you could do that. Actually tried to do that with a friend's PSP one time. His PSP couldn't do it though.
  8. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    with the homebrew or the one that comes on cfw. thats wierd, because ive done it several times, to downgrade or hack other friends psp :)
  9. kagetsuu

    kagetsuu Member

    I don't think it is possible to get a psp 1000 now, right...? (not sure though :) )

    I heard that people have a lot of problems with temp hacking their 3000s , they can't turn off their psp 3000s, and the screen freezes all the time......something like that... is it true? how long does it take you to reinstall the whole thing???

    There are still some out here, but very very expensive T______T costs almost twice as much as the psp 3000.....

    I thought only the older version of psps can run homebrews......(i heard...not sure) and sadly, I don't have a friend who has one....

    Anyway, I spent sometime to look into it today, and I were able to find the psp 2000 (hackable verion) but it it really expensive( it cost like 250 CND), and it has a star war logo on it( I don't like the logo!!!) and the psp 3000 (particularly hackable version) for 200 CND(again, I don't really like that colour, but there aren't many particularly hackable verion left, so...), and then, I found the psp 2000 (the not fully hackable verion) for 120 CND, I heard there is not much different between 2000 and 3000 and the 2000(not hackable version) is like 70 dollars cheaper....

    I think the psp 2000 hackable one is way too expensive......and has that logo on it, but then, in a long run, if I can pay the cracked games, then, I will save a lot of money...

    What should I do now, I really can't make up my mind T___T what do you guys think???

    BTW, will I still able to pay the new games on psp 2000???? or I can only play the new games on psp 3000?????

    and also, what is the homebrew thing for?

    Guys, Thanks for answering my questions!!!! ~~~~
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    first of all, the psp 3000 can be hacked, i dont know if it can run isos right now, but the hack it uses is chickHEN, which you cant turn the psp off or let the battery die or else you have to put it again, but you can still put it in sleep. you can find some psps 1000, try amazon, or look for used psps, which can be one way to go. i got my psp used in gamestop, for 85 dollars like 2 or 3 years ago and it works perfect. if you get used, make sure its in good condition and that the site is trusty. the homebrew i am talking about is for making the pandora battery, without the need of buying one. i dont understand well the question of playing new games on the psp 2000 or 3000. if you mean the umds, then yes, you can play themwith no problem, on their official firmware. if you mean downloaded games (.iso or .cso) you need the latest cfw, which right now is 5.50 prometheus v3 (also known as 5.50 gen d4) im playing toy story 3 and metal gear solid peace walker with no problems.
  11. kagetsuu

    kagetsuu Member

    I see, so is it hard to hack it ? because if I buy the psp 3000, I think I probably need to hack it all of time...(T____T)

    Also, about hacking, is it really bad for the psp? I read it somewhere thatpeople could actually brick their psps or something....(scary)

    I forgot that I can actually buy the second hand ones :) I will see if I can find a really cheap one and use it for the downloaded games only :) & test out new games only :)

    Well, I read it somewhere that people say there are many games that the psp 3000s can't play, and the psp 3000s are only good for playingthe new games ...something like that, I also heard that the psp 1000 & 2000 use .iso format , and the psp 3000 and GO use unknown format, so I thought may be the new games(umds) are in different format or something, so that only the psp 3000 can play it or something... ...I don't know ^^;

    Ok, so I can play all the games(both the new and old ones) as long as I upgrade the CFW, right? and it doesn't matter if I have a 1000 or a 3000???
    Then, what about the umds? I can still play the new games on psp 1000 and 2000, right?

    Thanks :)
  12. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    hacking the psp is pretty much like making a firmware update, you have the same chance of bricking it as pdating with the latest OFW, but if you plan on downgrading the psp, well, thats another thing, that has some chance of bricking it. the psp 3000 is not hard to hack it, its just annoying, because if it turns off, you have to do it again, so you can still put the psp in sleep, which turns it off, but not completely. about UMDs, a UMD is the disc you usually buy in a store or somewhere. there were cases of people not being able to play the UMDs like Metal Gear Peace Walker, but after updating to the latest CFW, the problem was solved. and yes, you can play any game on the psp 1000 and 2000
  13. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Latest custom firmware for 3000 makes it almost impossible to turn psp off by accident, because you have to hold the on/off switch for something around 10 seconds or more for it to reset.
  14. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    its not on the psp 3000 only, on the others too, to turn it off you have to hold the power switch for a while, if you just do it for a second or less, it goes to sleep mode, and this also has nothing to do with cfw, its just how psps are made
  15. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Are you suree about this? My friend's "clean" psp takes less time to turn off.
  16. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    maybe he is just putting it in sleep, does the sony screen come out when he turns it on, if it doesnt, it was in sleep mode, but mine always took a long time to turn it off even with OFW
  17. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    It does.
  18. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i guess it depends, mine takes a long time to turn off, even without CFW
  19. kagetsuu

    kagetsuu Member

    Hi Hi~It's me again >___<

    Ok, I find a used psp 1000 and that person is selling it for $ 70 CND, since I don't have any experience of buying game consoles and don't know much about them, I would like to ask you guys opinions :)

    So do you guys think $ 70 is reasonable for a used psp 1000???( I tried to ask him how "old" is it, but he didn't really answer my question, so I am guessing that the psp might be a few years "old" ?? if it is a few years old, do you think it will last for another few years, because I will get really upset, if it can only last for another few months )

    Also, he told me that there are a few scratches on the screen, I am actually planning to order a faceplate/case set(actually, I am thinking of getting this one: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.23261 ^___^ ), so I think after I replace it with the new one, I wll not see any scratches on it, right( this might be a really lame question to ask, but I just want to make sure, well, I ve never actually seen a actual psp, none of my friends have one...so don't know if I can replace the screen ...) and BTW, is it hard to change the faceplate?

    I read a post and someone mentioned that you need to use headphones for the psp 1000, is it true???? @0@

    Also, I will check the psp 1000 before actually paying for it, so can you guys tell me what sort of things should I check or look out for?

    Thanks for helping, again~ :)
  20. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I can't answer much, but:

    Scratches on the screen are scratches on the screen. There is no way to get them out without a screen replacement, which is considerably more difficult then doing it on a DS.

    $70 is reasonable if it's in good condition. If it's in a bad condition, either a price drop is in order, or you need to look for a different one.

    I'm not sure if replacing the faceplate is easy, or even possible. That's one I can't answer.

    Just gonna put this out there, Google the specs of the PSP 1000, what it looks like, and what it does. What replacement of different parts would entail, etc.