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PSP 1000-2006 [10] Hacking [TUTORIAL]

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by doughboy, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    This is a tutorial to hack your PSP Models 1000-2006's [07-10]
    [includes anything in between 1001, 2001 etc....]
    NOTE: FIRST make sure to check out the #5 Q&A to see if your PSP is hackable
    This is one method of hacking your PSP which is fairly simple and easy to use for novice hackers :3
    *It is mainly a visual tutorial for those of us who rather not read... well, not that much :I
    *Make sure to look out for the 'spoiler tags' or similar, as they will most likely have a visual image of what is being taught...
    [there is one small f**k up in the PICS where it says 'follow instructions in the e-mail', but I meant to say thread]
    And by the way, you guys where right, I DO have allot of time on my hands, might as well use it... right? xD

    1.Introduction to CFW
    2.Things Required
    3.Installation [Files]
    3.5 Off PC Installation [the 3 instructions]
    4.CFW on your PSP Complete! [UPDATING]
    6.Sites & Themes & Emulators/App

    1. Introduction to CFW
    CFW -
    Custom Firmware (or CFW) is a hacked psp firmware, which will enabled you to use homebrew on your PSP.
    Once a PSP has a CFW installed, you will be able to play things like:
    SNES, GBA, Sega Genesis, GameBoy COLOR, CPS1&2 Arcade Machines, Neo-Geo Arcade, N64 and many more.
    You will also have the ability to install custom themes and use other niffty and fun applications/plugins.

    2. Things Required
    -A PSP (1000-2006 [07-08])
    -A Pandora Batt or Batt Converter
    I will not show you how to hard-mod your batt. (to make it a pandora) as it is a somewhat difficult process if you have no skills in removing a pin from a battery, and I am assumeing most of us don't.
    *So, don't be cheap, buy a pandora from the online store(s) mentioned below, cause I don't want
    you to end up like my friend here.
    -WinRAR / Mirror

    3.Installation [Files]
    Please get organized before starting, since I have found out that one of the main causes of CFW installation failure is an unorganized desktop/workspace...

    Please download the following-
    LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BFTTWV6F
    LINK: Prometheus 4
    PASS: (.+[___]%)
    *I would suggest burning the files onto a CD or something...
    Extract everything using WinRAR

    The only 2 folders we are going to be using for the installation process are the "PICS" & "PANDORA" ones, so get organized.
    NOTE:DO NOT extract the rar files that are in the "PANDORA" folder, go to were it says "START.exe"

    *It will in fact format your memopry card, so make a folder on your desktop and drag all your data in there before starting...
    *All you have to do is follow the on-screen instructions as they come up [use the PICS folder]

    3.5 Off PC Installation [the 3 instructions]
    After the program is done with the installation, your memory card will have all the right files needed to install the CFW.
    (this means that your memory card is now a "magic" or "jigsaw" memory card)

    *a "magic" or "jigsaw" memory card is just a way of saying:
    "that thing that holds all the correct files needed to install the CFW", in this case that thing is YOUR memory card.
    so don't get fooled by people trying to sell you these so called 'magic memory cards' at high prices :/

    *These instructions are followed after you have finished the onscreen instructions in PICS:
    1. unplug your PSP.
    2. take the battery cover off your psp, and put the pandora batt in.
    3. your psp will turn ON by itself, press X and it will start flashing the CFW files onto it.
    (don't freak out, cause all the PSP lights will turn on, if you still have a blank screen press X again)

    NOTE: you must hold your battery in place until the installation is complete.
    (on the FAT PSP, there is a menu, press X and then hold the batt in until the CFW installation is complete)

    4. CFW on your PSP Complete! [UPDATING]
    When converting your batterry back or putting your original batt back in, your version will be 3.71M33.
    After the installation.... update of course....
    I personally UPDATE like this: M33 --> GEN --> Prometheus
    Just to be on the safe side, to make sure all custom add-ons are locked :3
    [When i do it for other people i usually go to GEN directly]

    How to Update
    *Make sure your battery is at least %80 charged
    1.Simply drag the UPDATE folder inside the next UPDATE
    NOTE:If the UPDATE requires a version file add that to the root of your memory card and then update.
    [5.50GEN-C (D,D3) is one of those which require you put a version file at the root of your PSP, as show above]

    *Format your Memory Card after you update completely, turn off your PSP and then back on again.
    *Doing so will make the necessary folders for you to work with :3

    You are done hacking yo' PSP!!!


    5. Q&A
    I have a PSP Fat tool/pandora battery only, will that work to hack my Slim model?
    Yes, you can use a PSP Fat Pandora Batt to hack a PSP Slim, so it is better to buy the PSP Fat kind.
    *It is actually a much better idea, since some Slim models are not capable of makeing a pandora batt.

    What about 3000 or PSP Go's?
    At the moment there are only partial hacks to these consoles.
    Hen Hacks or others of the sort -
    Enable you to play hombrew off of your PSP, but the partial hacked must be reinsatlled (through your PSP) every time your turn your console ON again.
    and also this http://www.qj.net/qjnet/psp/liquidzigongs-psp-custom-firmware-635-pro-a2-released.html

    What is the program that we used for the installation process called?
    The program is called "TOTALNewbieInstaller" I believe...
    That's if you want a newer version, but if you ask me, I would stick to this one as the newer ones are much more complicated to understand for novice hackers.
    It's a very hard to find program nowadays
    (I got it when it came out since QJ announced that they were going to delete it after a few days)
    Of course, there are newer version of this same program and even diffrent ones, but I find this one to be the best of them all.
    It's one of my favorites, and one of the most commonly used PSP programs by ME when hacking/modding other peoples PSP's
    Any chance of this bricking my PSP?
    NO, if done correctly, and the PICS are followed thoroughly, then there should be no problem :3
    *Also make shure that your PSP is hackable by following one of the instructions listed below.

    How do I know if my PSP models is hackable?
    There are many was to figure this out:
    [The following have been taken from other sites and my own knowledge...]
    *All PSP 1000's or FAT models (first generation) are completely hackable!
    1.You can use PSPIdent to figure out if you have an unhackable PSP mobo (motherboard)
    [FOR SLIM ONLY TA-85 v3]
    2.If bought online, make sure that it was not made/manufactured after August 2008 because it will most likely be an unhackable slim model TA-85v3
    3.Check under your battery-
    In the serial # the numbers must not go over HU75*****
    [If you guys have a PSP hakced with a higher serial # please let me know]
    4.If it is a PSP-2001 model [Limited Edition Line], then it is completely hackable, and you may proceed wit the installation.
    These models are Limited Edition US versions and where usually released as bundles around 06-07: Darth Vader, GoW, Daxter, NFL etc...
    NOTE: Any other generic PSP must be checked before hacking!

    Where do I buy a Pandora Batt. or Batt. Converter?
    Simply type in 'pandora batt' inside the search toolbar.

    *Batt. Conv?
    By that I mean hybrids or a unique ones like the one I have:
    Hopefully you can find this one (the one I own)
    It was made by Datel (CodeJunkies), but they are not sold anymore :/
    I heard they are sold at Amazon & eBay though...


    Is it possible to remove the CFW?
    Yes, if you choose to remove the CFW, simply update using a newer PSP UMD game or download the update via the Network Update option on your console.

    Will I be able to play games which require 6.20 version (UMD or ISO/CSO)?
    Yes, simply install the Prometheus updates located below and you will have the ability to play these games directly.
    *When a newer UMD game is inserted DO NOT UPDATE simply click on the game.

    Where do i put my games?
    PSP games (CSO/ISO) should be kept under the ISO folder, which is in the root of you memory card.
    Emulators should be kept under GAME or GameXXX (XXX is your model)
    The GAME150 folder is used for the N64 emulator and other apps...

    *Any other questions regarding the topic mentioned above will be added!

    6.Sites & Themes & Emulators/App
    PSP Game Ripping and about CSO & ISO:
    Once a PSP is hacked you will be able to rip your own PSP games-
    How To:
    1.Press the SELECT button on your PSP
    2.Press the left arrow until you get to the "UMD Disc" option, and press SELECT again (or EXIT)
    3.Click on me to see the ripping process!
    4.You can rename your file anything you like, if you encounter the following click YES.

    *You can also choose to compress your PSP games (ISO's) by downloading the following
    [This makes your games smaller to make room on your memory card, nothing is ripped out, only compressed (CSO)]
    5.Instructions of use

    The ability to manage your add-ons/plugins (prx's)
    There are some nifty tools/plugins on the psp which allow you to do great things-
    The ability to take a snapshot off of your PSP screen.
    The ability to use CXMB so that you may use Custom Themes
    The ability to use cheats on your PSP games (CWCheat), and many more...
    Click on me to figure out how...

    PSP Custom Themes:
    *You must use the plugin called CXMB in order to be able to use custom PSP themes, look above at:
    [The ability to manage your add-ons/plugins (prx's)] above

    You can download new custom themes for your psp at:
    OR you can use Google and type in your firmware + custom theme: ex- "5.50 psp themes"

    *There are also diffrent types of theme formats such as: RCO's and Flash0 themes.
    These though require you to mess around with your Flash0 files, which if not done correctly may brick your PSP.
    I have done it before, and do not recommend these for novice hackers.
    Most flash0 themes have already been converted to CTF for use with CXMB :I

    If you don't wish to mess around with any sort of custom theme, there are themes called 'PTF themes which do not require any modification on your console.
    These themes though are too plain in my views :3

    My Personal PSP Stuff-
    LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QW2HRFSJ
    PASS: (.+[___]%)
    the file is about 900MB total and includes all emulators which work on the PSP Slim & Fat-
    with the exception of the N64, which at the time is being worked on thoroughly...

    you can choose to delete some of the games by going inside each emulator folder-
    go to the roms folder and delete the games you don't want-

    they are all pre-configured and all have my personally made PBP files:
    these means that both the preview pictures & music are different (unique)
    It contains all of my Emulators, pre-installed which will work on any PSP2000-2006

    *All emulators and PSX game(s) except CPS1&2 and Neo-Geo Arcade will work on your PSP Fat, since those games must be convertedm first in order to work with the fat PSP model.
    Arcade Machines for Fat-
    LINK: coming soon
    NOTE: All pictures where made by me with the permission of the creator/artist, audio tracks are by Nintendo :I

    Were do they go?
    They all go under GAMEXXX (XXX is your firmware)

    Basic Instructions:
    It will be a bit difficult for new people to understand the controls for each system, so I have added instructions for them, both in Spanish & English :3
    They are in Word 2007 format, and it is best if printed :U
    LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EHFUETYN
    PASS: (.+[___]%)
    *I usually give this out to people whos PSP's I have hacked.
    In the past they have come back to me after 3min because they got lost in an emulator :/
    So, it is best to skim through it first, just in case you are new to the PSP scene...

    PSP PBP Modifying [TUTORIAL]
    You can modify your favorite emulators musci and pictures, find out how here....

    Just throwing this out there, im not saying something is gonna go wrong, but just in case an app or a falsh0 type theme or something you install bricks it:
    -As for unbricking a PSP you will need a "Memory Card Reader" and of course a "memeory card".
    1. Do the same steps as in the "PICS & Pandora" folders
    2. After the installation is complete put your memory card into your PSP and then your Pandora.
    (unbricking preety much means that you are installing a CFW in order for the system to work properly again, kinda like how a CPU system works)

    A bit of psp fat history for ya:
    When the first PSP's came out (model 1000) they were sent out with a version of 1.00 or 1.50
    One of the first people to discover the (HELLO WORLD HACK) was Dark-Alex (DAX).
    It was found that the PSP had a flaw which allowed it to play Emulators and ROMS from other systems without the need of moddification/hacking if at version 1.00 or 1.50
    *Keep in mind that there were only two versions out and no pandora batt....yet
    Thus begining the fight: PSP Hackers Vs. SONY(s) (new protection)
    Even today many people say you need to downgrade to version 1.XX in order to play hacked games on your SHUHBBY PSP :I which is not true at all.
    *One of the reasons people needed to downgrade was because they wanted to play N64, NES and some Apps to name a few, which required a 1.XX version on their PSP's in order to play them, that's preety much what started the "should i downgrade?", "should i upgrade?" deal.
    *But now years later, we all know that these EMUS and Apps/Plugins have all been updated and are working on all psp models which are hackable.

    (plays 99.9% of homebrew no problem)
    99.9% hacked

    (although very bugggy it does play homebrew) reason: only 88% hacked (done thru HEN hacks)
    90% hacked

    (It was discovered by Freeplay that the PSPgo could be hacked, if not over version 6.10)
    (again to my knowledge quite buggy)
    90% hacked

    To close our history lesson:
    *Dark-Alex is gone (according to a rumor he was given money by SONY to stop making his M33 cfw)
    -although during the "psp slim and lite era" (PSP 2000-2004) he did manage to create a program called the "time machine" which allowed you to play EMUS on your psp slim which required a 1.XX version.
    But, like i said, the emus and apps/plugins have all been updaded and working on all hackable PSP's

    *The Kreationz's Team is always working on DaedalusX64 (N64 emulator) kool :I

    *The CPS3 for psp is having a speedup...
    (will be released soon.... i hope, can't wait to play Street Fighter 3 or Red Earth) :3

    TTK* (TOMG) (Hope I was helpful....)

    Next on the list is the GameCube SD MediaLauncher!!!
  2. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP 1000-2004 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    I used the video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipVkKmW7x7s - it shows how to hack a PSP without a pandora battery. I had a pandora battery, but I like a challenge.
  3. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: PSP 1000-2004 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    Read everything before posting, I covered HEN hacks [well not really] on this thread...
    This is actually a HEN hack, which is not a full hack, partial only:
    youtube quote-
    like this: http://dl.qj.net/psp/hacks-exploits/cfw-503gen-a-for-hen.html
  4. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP 1000-2004 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    Yeah, I should have mentioned that you can't get 5.00 m33 on an unhackable 3000 or newer 2000s. It's odd that you can't hack a newer PSP 2000, but you can hack the newest ones that were released right before Sony started making PSP 3000s. I was lucky to find the newest 2000 model at my used EB Games shop. My apologies. And awesome tutorial man.
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: PSP 1000-2004 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    Yes, thanks for pointing that out, you can only start hacking a PSP from 5.03 or something...
    N' Thanks :I
  6. corners

    corners Active Member

    Re: PSP 1000-2006 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    Thanks for this tutorial. It really helps! :)
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP 1000-2006 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    The 3000 has a temp hack with ChickHEN and CFWEnabler on 5.03 and also there's a hack to get HEN to work on 5.50 as well. With the introduction of 6.20 TN-A, you don't really even need CFW anymore. And since some Homebrew can run on OFW now since the keys were leaked, CFW and HEN may not be needed at all in the future.
  8. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: PSP 1000-2006 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    yeah i kinda heard about that , but i think that this tutorial is pretty basic for now :3

    In the future I will be releasing a EBOOT.PBP tutorial, so that you can learn how to put custom preview music and photos for your emulators.
    I will also do them for you if you would like, simply give me a link to the photo you wish to make a background and a music file. (only 20-25 sec can be played, and be looped as well if desired) :I

    And please people...some of us are visual learners (images, videos) and that's why i have added visual links, so please stop sending me things like "search youtube you asswhipe" "youtube..." to my e-mail :/ or whatever other smart ass remark you may have...
  9. corners

    corners Active Member

    Re: PSP 1000-2006 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    I have a random question, if I have 5.50 GEN-D3 and 5.50 Prometheus-4 on my PSP phat, but can I update to a newer CFW? I'm just curious since I'm not an expert on this and I kind of don't want to brick my PSP.
  10. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: PSP 1000-2006 Hacking [TUTORIAL]

    That part doesn't make sense to me...
    Are you saying you have 5.50 GEN-D3 and you are planning to upgrade to 5.50 Prometheus4?
    Or do you mean that, you have Prometheus as an add-on for 5.50 GEN-D3 and you want know if you can update?

    If you want to update to Prometheus4 (FULL not add-on), it is in fact safe, and you will be able to play even newer games...up to 6.20 or higher I believe...
    Please re-state your question, if that's not what you asked.
  11. corners

    corners Active Member

    No, you answered my question. So thanks! :)
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    K... :3
    Make sure to disable or erase the add-on though, if you have it that way, cause it may interfere with the installation process :I
  13. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I got a PSP 3000 so i'm screwed.

    And just a little note:

    You don't have to install CFW to your PSP anymore to play emulators now.You can do it by just putting them on your memory stick and using an app to load them called HomebrewLoader(HBL). I was just playing Final Fantasy 6 GBA not too long ago.

    Lol,doesn't really matter.Just saying.
  14. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    HBL was mainly made for the PSP 3000's and Go...
    I believe it's Half-Byte Loader...

    THIS is, a hard mod page though...
    Not to be mean, but it doesn't matter...well not in this page...
  15. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Half byte loader?Kinda figured.But fuck you,other resources telling me otherwise.

    I know,I was just saying.
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    GameStop is not considered a PSP Hacking News Source xD
  17. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Hardmodding a PSP battery to be a pandora does not require soldering skills at all. o_o;

    All you need is a sharm thin bladed knife, high dexterity, a steady hand[to prevent puncturing the internals of the battery when opening], and knowledge of what cmos chip/pin to remove. :O

    The fist time I hacked a PSP I hardmodded my battery to do it. [and then had my psp teathered to a charger cable for a month while I waited for a new battery in the mail. :D]
  18. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Yeah, it's just the removal of a pin, I know that...
    But it still requires that you put it back in it's place, and if not done right can damage your battery...
    Still, it's much better (recommended) to buy one than to make one :I
  19. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    ._. meh never bothered to want to put the pin back in place. lol back then I made the battery took a 32mb stik and paired them up, then charged a bunch of people 5 bucks each for CFWing their PSPs and then sold the battery and stick to someone fr 25 bucks. XD then bought a DS with the profits :eek:
  20. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Just saying, it's much more convenient to buy one than to make one...

    So did I...
    I did not charge my family/friends, only my friend's, friends or other....
    They would get me customers...
    $5-35 each...depends on how I felt that day (or how long it would take), for the ladies it was free or $3 :3
    If time was not a factor, I would have done it for free, but loading 8 or 16GB is quite a hassle/time consuming...

    The following is from real life experience :I
    *If any other member reads this, ignore it, cause I WILL answer anything online...

    There was once, only once...
    That some overgrown 15yo came up to me and asked for a CFW on his PSP...
    He was all like -
    "Do you need to downgrade down to 1.50 to play games?"
    I said no...
    "Any chance of it bricking?"
    I said no, because it was a PSP 1000 which means, that it's completely safe to mod...
    He asked me all these other irrelevant questions, even though I said that I would tell him all he needed to know after I installed it....
    (such as printing out emulator instructions etc...)
    He then told me he NEEDED his MOM's permission to modify it, since she had bought it for him...
    I was like ok... (in my head I was thinking, grow some balls, who cares, JUST DO IT, I said it's safe)
    Keep in mind that I was only charging $5 since a friend (girl) asked me to do it, and charge him that much...
    He then told me his mom wanted to speak to me '-__-
    I went to the nearby park and his mom and sisters (around 24yo each sis) started asking me questions...
    One was like - "Do you need to downgrade down to 1.50 to play games, downgrading to 1.50 allows you to play newer games?, my cousin said you needed to downgrade..."
    I thought in my head "seriously?"
    I said "no you don't"....
    She persisted....
    Since I was irritated I was like
    "Why don't you ask him or you do it, since both of you so happen to know more about the PSP than me?!"
    They were all like - "Oh, no, he just said that, I don't know anything about the PSP"
    '-__- " dear god!!! " I though to myself...
    I gave then some bullshit answer about it being unhackable and left....