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[PSN] Fat Princess - ASD

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by asdzxc123789, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member


    Imagine Unreal Tournament 3. A multiplayer designed game, with childish graphics. No ,blood stays. Change Flags with Princesses and here you go ,an awesome game!

    My friend downloaded this game about 2 days ago. He gave it to his 4 friends ,including me. We downloaded ,installed the game and started. By the way ,its about 400 MB ,easy to download and play. Anyways, first thing you can notice is the song. It is funny and has a style...for about one minute. Then it repeats itself ,which makes you want to play the game ASAP. BUT ,the in-game songs are awesome by the way. Each map has its own ,for example Pirate map has a funky song but Volcano map has a serious one .Oh ,and the main menu is easy to understand ,but needs a little get used to. For example "My Stats" is replaced by "Why I Am Awesome?".

    Anyways ,we gathered up and started to play in default mode : Rescue The Princess and I have to admit ,game looks gorgeous! The maps are bright and beautiful ,detail level of world is deep and dismembered body parts look so funny. But water ,lava and that kinds of liquid things need a little polish.


    When I stopped looking around and started to play ,I saw some hats (and blood with them) on the ground. I couldn't understand what the heck they are ,but when I read the Controls ,I got it. Remember ,you have to read the controls. Otherwise ,it is impossible to understand. Now back to the hats ,it is crucial. Wearing hats change your class! There are 5 classes with 5 diffrent hats ,all of them are equal ,except one ,which I will tell in a bit(*).

    Now when I started to play and explore the game ,I realised three things. First ,you cant win the game if three or more people don't know each other. Second, if everyone becomes a mage or a warrior ,no one can gather resources and if you cant upgrade your classes ,you are going to lose. Sometimes sacrifice is important. Be a worker. At last but not least ,don't ignore your team mates. Heal them if you are a priest ,watch their back while they are capturing the princess or so... TEAMWORK IS THE KEY TO THE VICTORY! The whole game is about it. Most of the times ,you can't just go,steal and bring back the princess...

    Anyways ,5 people ,who knows each other ,were playing the game. AWESOME! You can do whatever you want. Shielded two warriors are facing to castle ,two archers are firing to gates and one worker is stealing a fat princess! And I forgot to mention ,rooms are for 32 people with no lagg at all... Perfect number ,but some maps are a bit small. Oh then what happend? We won ,then I closed my Ps3 :D


    As I said up there (*) ,this game is really similar to UT. There is of course a story mode ,but its the same modes ,maps and style.You can play online with same stuff ,why bother with off-line? And it is too short! They just added a background story for it...That's it! Oh but ,you get a shiny BRONZE trophy for finishing. Do not buy this game if you don't want to play online or have a internet connection.

    You also can customize you character but...I don't know ,its not enough...Some hair styles ,some beard styles... It doesn't change that much of your appearance. But, I decided not to take it too seriously ,because it is extra. They didn't have to do that.

    Sound effects for characters are soo cute. "They're in our base killing our dudes!" is just one of them... You also can taunt you rival ,which says so hilarious things!

    I can't say this game is perfect. But a patch might make FP so close to it :). First of all ,AI needs some help. When you say you want help from a priest ,they just come with you. They are supposed to heal you?! Same goes with Worker AI's. You say I need help ,they stare at you ,but you probably want them to cut some wood or build something. Second ,Dark Priest is too strong. I mentioned up there ,now I want to say it. When you upgrade Priest ,it will become a dark one. Instead of healing your allies ,you steal life from your enemies. Its fast ,effective and he also can cast mage's spells. Write this down ,first patch will take some of his powers! And catapults can stack sometimes.

    Also rank system is really ,really bad. I like CoD type ,you know? Clear. Shows you what you got after every game... I cant understand how I rank up ,how can I see my exp... Oh ,and 32 players for one football court (yeah ,there is one) is a lil bit awkward. Also there are no females. BUT ,there is female voice for customisation...

    This game offers you 21 trophies. Down side is ,all of them are Bronze and some of them are hard. Not "impossible" ,but they deserve a silver instead of bronze. Trophies are for Multiplayer.Like ,"Feed the Princess 1500 calories of food in a single online game" or "Kill an enemy as a chicken in an online game" .Oh ,and by the way ,all trophies' names are references to something. Like "This is CakeTown!" or "The Cake Is Not A Lie" .Two of them are single-player only ,which wants you to clear Story mode and a side mode.

    And for last thoughts: If you are planing to buy Battlefield:1943 ,change your plans. This game is the best in PSN...for online.


    Presentation: This game has a style and it can express it so easily. I mean ,a tip appears and says that "Getting pwned? Try to change your class!" or "Your team is noob? Change your team by..." You will lose yourself. 9/10

    Graphics: Childish ,bright graphics with blood? I am taking it! 9/10

    Sound: Musics ,despite they are awesome ,repeat itself ,but voice acting is so cool. 8.5/10

    Gameplay: You change classes by changing your hat. You put a bomb near an enemy and see flying arms. It's easy to learn ,impossible to master. Need more? 9.5/10

    Lasting Appeal: 50.000 people are playing this game non-stop now ,expect at least 400.000 in 3 months but...Lets face it ,when CoD comes ,10.000 people will play this. Also single player is so bad. Enjoy while it lasts. 7/10


    Note: I tried to write it better than Silent Hill. I hope it is. Thanks for readinG!
  2. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    This review overpowers much of the crap in the review submission section right now. I am approaching neare to get a copy of the game myself soon enough, However, the review can fix a bit of punctuaction and spellings tweaks. But to most of the point it's good and ready to go.
  3. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    is this a good thing? the first line?
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, overpowers means it's way better than the others.
    I'm gonna have to get this game now.

    Good review.
  5. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Added trophies paragraph
    Some minor grammer and punctuation changes
    Some more bugs added
    Some more supportive lines for each paragraph

    I am ready for blast :p
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    word(comma) (space)
    word, [space]
    word, word
    not word ,word

    bugs the crap out of me.
    It's best to put this in Microsoft Word, and hit F7, and then sit there and go through it that way, ignoring proper nouns and some internet lingo.