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Discussion in 'Sony' started by Paperbag51, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    So yeah... just thought i would tell everyone cause im soooo damn excited ... Paper is a proud owner of a Black .... sleek sexy PS3 woooters ... oh man i need to stop drinking energy drinks eh...
  2. Invalidx

    Invalidx New Member

    Yeah with its one good game, Motorstorm, and no other good exclusives :p

    I'm getting a 360 this weekend.

    Let the flames begin.
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    uh ok lol... dont think this needed a thread
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Paper: How about sharing your experience with it thus far then? Making something worth discussing. :)
  5. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Well, my computer crapped out like iono 2 weeks ago so i decided to go ahead and get the ps3... So yeah im useing it this very moment to write this woot. First i must say Even on a Standard def tv. These games look amazing. Currently playing RFOM (resistance: Fall of man)
    and Folklore which is a killer game also. Load times somtimes blow but hey whatcha gonna do you know. Although i still haven't figured out how to get those 5 free blue ray movies. but yeah i mean this is the single greatest machine i've owned ... ever... im pretty certain :p value it over my truck lol ..
  6. ethrnldrknss

    ethrnldrknss New Member

    i got a ps3 also the day it came oyut only because it was my birthday (im glad i got good friends.)i belive the only good games resistance fall of man motorstorm and of course even though it isnt out yet but i know itll be great when it does come out ;killzone 2.