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ps3 question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tyson346, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    so i just got a telus tv and the only way i can place it is on my ps3 slim

    it looks like this

    ------------ (really light pvr box)
    ------------ (ps3 slim)

    its kind of hard to explain but basically

    will my ps3 get damamged if i place things on top of it? though it is very light so i dont think it would damage
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...that should worry it, but those pvr boxes I put on top of the tv or find space around it, even if i put the box sideways (even though you should XD)
  3. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    sorry i didnt get that. so should i move the box? its telus and its just one
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yes you should, even putting the telus Pvr under the PS3 would work better, the top of the PS3 also isn't the flattest surface in the world. Putting the PVR to the side of the TV standing vertical would also work better.

    Also, why Telus? WHY?!?!?! They are hands down the worst, their customer service is fucking horrible and there's been so many times when they said "We'll come over to fix your TV/internet/phone line" and they did nothing but fuck it up MORE.

    btw Telus sucks. Too bad it's the only thing here.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Why not import?

    Also I answered the question based on weight, it's common sense that the ps3 isnt flat, so I expected...and watched the box to fall...
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Because I'm able to import a telephone line and internet? No.

    It is, but this man seems to lack common sense.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I mean a pvr box...not the line.

    ...Ok Ill be honest, I assumed a pvr box was just a set top/tv cable box, Im assuming Im wrong.

    Also judging by the name, it's just a kid, this is something like my brother would try to do, and he wonders why the ps3 sits all by it's self...
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You can't import a Pvr box where I live because you can't get all the hook ups over here. Bell and telus are the only satellite companies, and telus is the only telephone company that has coverage here, and telus and serbernet is the only source of Internet here. As you'd imagine, you can't get much BUT telus.

    Sympathy/empathy is not in my vocabulary.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I didnt ask for sympathy, empathy, I asked for a tool capable of bludgeoning someone...
  10. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    my dad switched. -_____- i <3 shaw
    its actually sitting quite well.

    i cant put the box underneath because thats were the modem is. its a pretty messed up set up but i dont see any problems..and i dont want any