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PS3 download help

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ashley_surferboi, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    I need help choosing whether to get final fantasy 7 ps1 classic from the ps store or disgaea 3 DLC
    I have £8 left in my wallet
    ps if you want whichever title you pick I'm willing to swap details so that we can swap ps store downloads
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  3. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    I kno disgaea is awesome :) but I haven't really played 3 as the over the top powered characters have pretty much disappeared
    the thing is I want some more games for the psp (I have a 3000 with ofw 5.51, no hack yet and I mite
    Put ff on it) but if I am goin to hack it then there is no point gettin ff for the psp and both disgaea 1 & 2 are now on psp
    it's a conundrum/dilema
    Post Merge: [time]1271439007[/time]
    Ok this was a rather short thread but I've decided that I'd rather get ff 7 as the disgaea dlc is pointless for my own reasons