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Ps2 loading psx games issue (using breaker pro on a fat ps2)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kehoku, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Kehoku

    Kehoku Member

    ok... now before anyone mentions my laser dieing, its not. For some odd reason resident evil 1,2 and 3 WILL NOT load... I pop in breaker pro, hit start game, swap the disks as the screen tells me too... then i hit any button too continue and the disc stays at the blue screen just reading and reading never loading past it.

    Now, I've been through all of the norms. I've swapped media, didn't help. I've tried so many different images, none of them load. I've tried burning through Nero, Imgburn, alcohol, clonecd, (cdrwin will not detect my drive so that programs a no go) I make sure to always make sure the drive doesn't repair sub-channel data. I burn at 8x which IS the lowest it will burn. I also make sure its RAW DAO.

    This has been puzzling me too no end and i'm wondering if someone else has confronted this issue. Yes, I couls emu play them, but the pc isn't always available... actually never is when i seem to want on lol. But anyways heres the odd thing. It will load resident evil survivor and dino crisis! both load fast and with no issues... well, survivor is missing sound effects during movies which is odd but meh, i care more for 1,2, and 3 anyways.

    I've scanned images with cdmage. Alot of them come back with errors which i at first thought was the issue, but that seems to not be the case. I had a copy of Silent hill way back from about 2002 that looked like it got ran over by a train. I ripped it and reburned it in clonecd... NO ISSES. the image has errors but still boots.

    Anyways this is long enough. Any help would be appriciated... ANY lol :)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    What type of CDs are you using? Cheap ones or nice ones like Memorex or Sony or Verbatim?
  3. Kehoku

    Kehoku Member

    tdk, memorex... radioshack brand lol a few others. The tdks seem too be fine, its what i burned silent hill onto and it loads FAST, no disk searching like it can't read. I've also burned quite a few onto these disks (tdk) with no issue. :) resident evil seems to be the only games minus survivor that won't load. The emus recognize the game and play them but the ps2 with breaker pro just sits at the breaker pro "loading" screen. Its all odd really i've never encountered this before. I don't know if alot of images out there are faulty or what, who knows. :p
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a different ISO right?
  5. Kehoku

    Kehoku Member

    sorry for the delays in replys. Yes, many many isos and they all seem to do the same. Its only Resident evil games which i find odd. dino crisis works, anything else i throw at it works. Unless the same corrupted isos have been upd by different people. Guess that could be a case but res 1 2 and 3 suffer from the same issue. Odd... :p
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    They may need a patch of something?...

    I don't know much about playing PSX on a PS2 though.
  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try to burn the ISO at the speed of 4x, 2x.