Just got a new PS3 slim 120gb europe, i tried some of my ps1 games and they work fine. can i download roms from this site and burn them on a disc and play as normal or is it region locked or do i need to hot swap? i havent tried using roms yet just checking dont wanna screw up my new ps3! help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm fairly certain you cannot play backups on your PS3. I remember hearing about something works a while ago, I believe, but the newer models can't do anything. And the newest firmware eliminated the alternate OS for the PS3.
You can download ps1 games off PSN and play them, other than that there is no other way (unless things change down the road)
There is a disc swap method that works with older PS3's, but I'm nearly 100% positive it won't work with the newer slims. Plus, it required dismantling the top of the PS3. :/