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Prototype Final boss

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Troublesome222, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to beat the boss. The time limit is a real pain, and I'm not sure how to do enough damage to kill him once the timer starts.

    Please help.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'm one of those cool kids that beat him with repeated long-distance whipfisting so I'm probably not the best person to answer this question, but I've heard of people spamming the Critical Pain Devastator since it apparently knocks off a pretty hefty chunk of its lifebar. =/
  3. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    AYYY.... that might be a problem. I might have it, but I've never used it.
  4. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    The easiest way to do it is probably to just Whipfist him until the countdown starts, then activate Musclemass and throw choppers at him.

    It took me a while to kill the guy because of his outrageous cheapness (PROTIP: don't get stand right next to him when he uses his tendril barrage), but once you get the hang of it he should be easy enough.
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    This boss is pretty cheap so whipfisting him to death does not exactly make you cheap. And yes, the tendrill barrage is almost all the time a one hit kill. (cheap) But my strategy was dashing like mad from one end of the map and throwing stuff at him. Reduces his hp gauge by a fair amount. And when I consumed enough soldiers, I go up and do one quick devastator. Also best to upgrade your gauge bar so you can perform more devastators.
  6. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    I should try all that.

    My Guage already allows for 3 devastators.
  7. krazyyaj

    krazyyaj Well-Known Member

    don't recall what i did clearly.

    all i remember is using armor, thermo (not a must have) and blade. attack furiously . when he begins to tweak or in my case, look like he is going to use devastator, air dash away (assuming you have all upgrades for air dash and high jump). if allowed, use devastators.

    usually begin with the cannonball (fully charged) and then the flurry of blades.
  8. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    I should try it, but I don't want to, it's all in vain!!