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Project in Bangladesh

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adnan1992, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Hey guys- it's been a while. It's kinda funny to be accessing the net while i'm in the middle of nowhere- i can see nothing but paddy fields and the odd cow.

    I'm on my way to visiit my fore father's village to create a documentary on a interest free loaning system that has changed the lives of maney in the village. It's for a school project but it may also be on TV. Wish me luck guys!! :D
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Woah,Is that a big project??
    Good Luck buddy!!!
  3. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Just finished shooting the footage. It was bloody tiring- walking miles in the heat with an annoying stomack ache. No i've got the momentous task of actually making the documentary- translation subtitles and narration. anyone know a user firendly editing software that i could use to do these things?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The software I use is professional grade, you wont find anything better on PC; but unfortunately 'user friendly' is debatable. there's no doubting its capabilities, but it takes some getting used to and it doesn't always work in the most logical or straightforward way (for good reason though). It does, however, support subtitles (even closed captions), and is blazing fast at rendering (I had it render 1 hour of footage in 45 minutes on an AMD Athlon X2 4400+) If you want to try it, it's Sony Vegas. Grab the trial and give it a spin.
  5. AceKilla

    AceKilla Well-Known Member

    Goodluck and why don't you share the video to us ?
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's not finished.
  7. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    I will share it as soon as i get final copy done :D