im restarting this project after my laptop messed up and all of my progress was lost. if anyone wants to help send me a message.
A bit of explanation of this project might help, some people here might not know what your going on about., will it be better than dolphin? If you could add a funtion to change the disc read so it would somehow read wii disc on a pc, that would make te ultimate difference... But then again, why ask for a feature that I don't know how to implanent myself?
are you actually emulating this time, or still just producing a program that looks like the wii menu?
Yeah, this is my question. Last time you attempted this you weren't actually making an emulator. Just a program that visually imitated the Wii menu. Good luck, though.
i'm interested in this. even though i doubt it, if it goes as well as it did once. you have my support, though.