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Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Belle xx, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. Belle xx

    Belle xx New Member

    Hi, this is my first time so i'm hoping i'm doing this right.

    I downloaded Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box but when i try to extract it i keep getting told that the file is corrupt. Has any one else had this problem or is there any advice out there for me.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    If the file is corrupte,all you can do is download it again.
  3. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    extract it to...?
    mine said that it was corrupt when i tried to extract it to my sd card, it was a different game though, well the reason mine was corrupt was because :
    1) my sd reader was locked
    2) the sd card was loose
    3) my memory was full
    4) the game had extra components

    well, it happened 6 times, to me.... I've gotten used to downloading now, i really am a klutz though =P
  4. Belle xx

    Belle xx New Member

    Cheers for the help guys.

    I'll just have to get use to downloading these.

    Thanks again
  5. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member