I thought this game was going okay - all seemed well at the start, whilst 'Luke' chats to the Prof on the bus. When the first 'puzzle' seems about to start, both screens go blank - and stay that way :'( . I have AP enabled. Any ideas guys? Thanks
What flash cart are you running and what firmware do you have on your DSi? Have you tried any other Professor Layton and the Lost Future roms; possibly with some cracks or patches already placed on the game? miros
Hi, thanks for replying, I have acecard 2i and the DSi is running Ver 1.4E. I've tried 3 (I think) versions of Prof Layton & The Lost Future but all froze. I've just tried Prof Layton & The Unwound Future and it appears to work. It appears to be the same game but with a slightly different opening and title?
Thanks, yes, will stick with this then, saves the hassle of trawling and looking for fixes - I've enough to do trying to get Sonic Colours to play - but that's another story for another thread!!! Cheers
It should work with the 'AP Bypass enabled' as it's working for me with the same set up. The intro screen on both versions is the same but it's the AP that makes the intro on The Lost Future version different. If you want to try this version agian make sure you deleate your old save file from the micro sd card first.
As I mentioned in my 1st post, I did that (with 3 different versions) but to no avail. I'll give it a go one more time but can't see it working as I always delete .sav files when reinstalling games. Again, as mentioned above, the intro worked but after the intro and when it got to the first 'quiz' is where each one froze. Thanks for taking time to reply