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problems with the MIOS patch

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, May 23, 2010.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    well i installed quite sucefully the MIOS patch,and i was using it to run some of my DVD-R burned games (fire emblem POR, the extra CD that came with pokemon stadium, etc.) and since i know a palce were people sell burned GC games, i went there and bougth star fox adventures, here are where the problems starts, if i boot it via error i got 2 seconds of audio and no audio then, literally no audio, and it aint my wii problem (and i have uninstalled and re installed the patch too ), an other thing is that if use GC backup launcher via auto detect or NTSC it will run the game, but i get 2 problems, i have audio but i get an eacho, and it only goes whe i press starts, no background music, and soon after a disc error.

    as i am yet to try the game w/o the patch, what is the bloody problem i ask.

    wii specs:

    Sys menu 4.2

    IOS 38 installed as 249, MIOS patch, HBC installed, and i belive nothing else amerits a mention.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Are you sure it isn't just the game? If all your other burned games work fine, then how do you know that this wasn't just a bad burn?
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    doubtfull, since when the game is soundless it runs perfectly, i havent tested it w/o the patch, the guys burn the disc at 1x also and in mini DVD-r's
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    You have to have IOS38rev14 installed as IOS249. Then install cIOSXrev19 as 249, but with base 57.

    Then install mIOS Patcher v8.

    It should work. I have this setup and it works well.
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    pm me the links,as i have MIOS v5, and rev18, and dunno were to get both of those.

    ill try testing it w/o the patch ( no micro SD inserted)
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It patches your NAND, so it's on your system. Not your SD Card. :)

    cIOS38rev14 - Install first as IOS249, do a network install. - http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=5958

    mIOS Patcher. - Use the GC controller to change to v8 and do a network installation - http://www.mediafire.com/?drrzzyjeznh

    cIOSXrev19 - Install as IOS249 with base IOS57, do a Network install. - http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=9911
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    weird, when i run a GC disc with the MSDC it shows the screen, w/o it, no loader screen, just the standart one, thanks for the links

    revx19 installed sucefully, and mios patch v8 too, using it with auto detect, gives me no sound.