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Problems with R4tti on 3DSxl

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by narvaez12, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    I recently got the 3DSxl, and the R4tti for it.
    Everything went fin, until I tried to use the TTMenu on it, to see if it could run Pokemon White 2.
    When I tried to launch the menu, the screen went white, but the loading thingy was still visible and moving.
    It was taking too much time to load, so I switched off the DS and back on.
    When I tried to use the R4 again, the DS wouldn't read it. I've tried many times to make it run again, but it keeps the same.

    Is there any way to fix it, or do I have to get a new R4?
    By the way, the R4 is not the one with the silver screw on the back, its the one that says NEW on the sticker.

  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Do you have any other consoles? Like a DS or DSi.
    Because it sounds like you will need to reflash your card.
  3. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    Yes, I have a DSi. What do i have to do?
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Does your card work with your DSi?
  5. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Your screwed.
    You've bricked your card it sounds like. Your going to need a new one.

    And if I was you, I wouldn't get the same one. Go for a DSTwo or R4i Gold 3DS (r4ids.cn). We can help you out if you don't know which one to choose.
  7. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    My dad's gonna kill me.
    Well, thanks anyways for the help, I'll see if i can find any of those you mentioned.

  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Actually wait up.
    Do you by any chance have another flashcard?
  9. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    The one I used with the DSi: http://www.google.co.ve/imgres?um=1&hl=es&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=uo0UD4X-iSGjXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dhgate.com/r4isdhc-r4dsixl3d-fire-card-work-on-dsi-ll/p-ff8080812b297fb0012b2e32fcdd146b.html&docid=b23rNB8bgycZZM&itg=1&imgurl=http://image.dhgate.com/upload/spider/b/662/051/b_ae1ro0051662_2.jpg&w=428&h=389&ei=wnHvUJjAFsu-0QHLmoCgCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=117&vpy=358&dur=886&hovh=214&hovw=236&tx=117&ty=135&sig=117704238029088161526&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:103&biw=1303&bih=683

    sorry for that long link, i don't know how to paste pictures.
  10. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I've never done this before, but I think you can reflash your non-working card with the one for your DSi.

    Firstly, what is the URL for your cards maker (the non working one)?
  11. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    So the one on the left is your card? http://www.r4itt.net/?c=gameklist1
  13. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

  14. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    So, how do I reflash it? Can't find any info of it... :-\
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Reflash a cart? If not mistaken, it involves using 2 flash carts + 1 console + recovery program such as FlashMe/the bricked cart's installation file. The idea is to run a good working cart on the console, eject it without shutting down the console, and insert the bricked cart into it to perform fixing. But here's the thing.....you can't do cart swapping using a 3DS nor a DSi. You can only perform cart swapping using the older NDS fhat or NDS Lite console.
  16. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. well I guess I'll buy a new one unless Xenirina finds another way to do it....
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Did not know that.
    I was presuming since you can patch a card on the DSi, you should be able to do card swapping as well.

    Sorry mate, but the only options are this:

    - Reflash your broken card with someone elses DS
    - Buy a new card

    If you know a mate with a DS, then great.
    If not, then you'll need to buy a new card. I can help you with that if you don't know what to choose.
  18. narvaez12

    narvaez12 Member

    I guess it's hopeless now... You told me to get a DSTwo or R4i Gold 3DS, I'll see if I can find one of those...
    Thanks for the help, anyways. I'll be sure to come here if I ever have other problems :)