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problems with popsloader

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    My troubles began once i updated from V1 to V3, before if i selected a pops firmware it would give me error 8000004, i read this could be fixed by erasing the save file, which i did and did not work, it also refused to wrk at all with several other eboots that i have, but they run (nameley FFVII runs perfectly, only issue is that the CWcheats has wrong id assigned to it, so CD2 lacks of the same ID of CD1, meaning i cannot use cheats) but i wanted to test valkyrie profile, so i updated, i have several of the modules already installed (up to 401), now when i press the R button and select 3.71 as i start the game, the game runs, but i get to the how nostalgic screen and black screen of death, when i quit and go back to main menu and re boot the game it seems it's forcing POPS to read original from flash and not the firmware is asked, jsut to be sure i tested with other buttons, the only other it works there is the O button (just to be sure since in some cases i have seen were X=Cancel and O = accept) same results.Currently i run via fast recovery genesis 6.37, any help is aprreciated.