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Problems with my R4 SDHC

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by A.Men3em, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    Hey people,

    I found how much people could be of help here so I won't look any further to solve my problem by myself!

    I have an R4 SDHC card and I got an Action Replay DSi and they are NOT working together!
    The AR DSi displays this error when pressing start: "Please make sure your GAME CARTRIDGE is inserted in to your Action Replay before continuing."

    I've been working on solving this problem for a lil over 4 hours now and I gave up, so I'm seeking help here. I've tried pretty much everything that included using the cheat code editor and all that crap about the "usrcheat.dat" file and it's not working at all!

    Attached is a pic of the R4 card i have. http://www.thegerar.com/images/other/s-3ds-0709.jpg
    I don't know if it matters which type it is but just to make everything clearer i sent the pic!

    All I want is just find a way to activate the AR codes, either with the AR DSi cartridge or without it.
    I'd be really more than happy if someone helped out.

    Thanks a lot!
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    The Action Replay DSi requires a real game cartridge, not a .nds files on the R4.
  3. DominicSpolec

    DominicSpolec Active Member

  4. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Uhhhh, why are you trying to use your action replay? The R4 can use the same kind of cheats, you just need to an up-to-date cheat.dat.
  5. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    thank you all for replying

    but hey, any idea where i can get an up-to-date cheat.dat file? and how i can make it work?

    to be specific I got a Nintendo DS Lite and when I run the R4 card it says version 1.26 and I want to use the cheats for Pokemon B/W/HG/SS/D/P
  6. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Here: http://puu.sh/newC
  7. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    and about the part about how i get to make it work =$
    i'm just new to that and i'm clueless =D
  8. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Well, there should be a cheat.dat and/or usrcheat.dat in your R4's μSD; delete 'em both and put the usrcheat.dat that I gave you in their place.
  9. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    i know you're so going to hate me now, but, i did all that and i still didn't figure out how to get the cheats in action during the game, that's my problem, i guess it's a problem with my card's software =|
    but if you know how that'd be really great and I'll be really more thank grateful
    I should thank you already =D
  10. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Probably your card cant load the games, download YSmenu from here unrar on a folder (rigth click extract on xxxx) and then seek the folder that is for your R4SDHC, copy all the folders and non foldered files to the root fo your SD, now remove your SD from your PC, insert it on your R4 and boot it, select YSmenu.nds and you will be running the YSmenu.
  11. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Huh, I'm not sure how these new R4's work, but I'm pretty sure that all you're supposed to do is select the cheats before you start the game.
  12. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Niflheim, the problem is on the database of the cards, if they dont have a game registered it wont boot at all, also there are troubles with the r4's as those only support a number of cheats, lets say the first 100 cheats on the list, the rest altough they are present wont be displayed, hence why i recomend strongly installing YSmenu
  13. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    I thought R4Wood/YSMenu were the only up-to-date firmwares for the R4, so wouldn't it make sense to assume that the OP was using them?
  14. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Niflheim you cant expect that everybody knows of the alternate firmwares, hence why i assumed he dint knew of those, also no problem man i was once stuck on your situation and had to dig myself up from nothing
  15. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    you are a freaking master I must say, I just can't thank you enough man, that worked like magic!!!!!!!!! =D
    that definitely made my day =D
    Thanks a million man, I'm so out of words now.

    and Niflheim, thanks a lot for trying to help me as well, I appreciate that really, but Duncan had the solution for sure!
    still can't thank you enough for trying to help me out from the very beginning though ^_^

  16. A.Men3em

    A.Men3em Member

    no really, i wanna thank you guys a lot, Niflheim's cheats are awesome and of course wouldn't have got them to work without your help man