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Problems with my Edge card

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by happyhel21, Aug 24, 2008.

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  1. happyhel21

    happyhel21 Member

    Hiya, i've got an Edge card for my NDS lite. Every so often it randomly gets rid of my games (including the saves which is v irritating), it just wipes them and then says menu.dat tidaken - or something like that. It seems to wipe all my games and the menu system off my micro sd card - it appears completely blank when i check it on my computer. I wondered whether it was certain games but i dont think it is. We have two other DS' in my house and they both have an r4 card and have had no issues at all (they play the games that i have on my card) - they also play some games my card can't seem to load - worms open warfare and brain training being two of them.
    I also have problems with some games not loadingĀ  - for example i was playing catz and the first time i tried to play it it wouldn't work so i switched it off and then back on and then it loaded the second time. It also seems to have issues with saves and some games occasionaly wont load - for example theme park. The other day it loaded onto the menu screen where you can select games and some games won't load and others (like mario kart) i click on to play them and it takes me back to the main menu screen rather than loading the game!
    Just had a look on the edge site and they've released a newer version in the past couple of weeks which i'm going to download but i'm not sure whether it's going to make a difference - i have 1.37 and they've just released 1.4. I'm from the UK and have a UK DS & play European versions of games. I play with a 2GB micro sd card.
    Basically i was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why this may be happening and whether anyone thinks it may be worth just buying an r4 card as they seem to run with no problems - though if i can avoid doing that i would rather as they're not cheap. Thanks in advance for any advice/help!
    Edit: By the way, i have reformatted the card & since doing that it's not wiped the games but it has started having the problems of not loading the games and just going back to the menu screen when i try (described in more detail above).
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    first tell us what brand your microsd is, that is the most likely culprit.
  3. happyhel21

    happyhel21 Member

    Sorry, forgot that - it's a Sandisk one i got off Amazon.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Try reformatting your MicroSD again, and reinstalling a fresh copy of the latest firmware, available from http://www.linfoxdomain.com/ds/.
  5. happyhel21

    happyhel21 Member

    Thanks, i've downloaded the newer os and i'll reformat it again and let you know how i get on - thanks for the advice!
  6. liam20021

    liam20021 Member

    Hi happy 3 weeks ago i got my self a Edge card. and it all so randomly gets rid of my games ;twice in one week
    i reformatted the card all was well untill i put on one game now this one game just wipes out all my games
    The game was mario party any ways all is good now. I just cant play on that game
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Try updating the firmware, if you can't play any games.
  8. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    I use the EDGE flash cart too got some problem before,some of it can be associated with the ones you describe but its nothing to do with the flash cart itself because normally problem of not being able to play some games is due to the firmware and all you can do is to wait some games like castlevania potrait of ruins will always encounter the same glitch when playing like accesing option too much will sometime freeze the ds but that is due to the compabilty with the micro sd not the flashcart itself and anything major happen like game refusing to boot or stuck and menu screen ect just reformat the micro sd.^_^
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    nope, its an inferior quality microSD that can't transfer data fast enough. Nothing to do with compatibility.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's why it's best to have Sandisk and Kingston brands.
  11. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    Actually something like this see lol >.> and the thing with castlevania can be solved by reformatting the micro sd using "A lot of the Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin problems can be fixed automatically for many of the Micro SD cards by formatting the Micro SD cards with FAT 16 with 32K Clusters" http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/R4_compatibility_list
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    This is about EDGE.. Yes it usually fixes freezing issues, but can fix other stuff as well..
  13. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    One little thing i use a pirated 1gb micro sd as well as long as the game doesnt fill up the whole card like leaving around 20mb or more should do the tirck
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I don't see how you can fit exactly 945 MB on it. I always leave a 10-20 MB space since another 64 or 128 MB rom can't fit.
  15. Edgeds

    Edgeds New Member

    I have had pretty much the same issue happen with my Edge card and a 4 gig SanDisk brought from Amazon, while I know this does not go towards helping with the issue I am glad to see that I am not alone in this.

    I have had a issue with getting some games having trouble creating save games which results in them locking up. I have also noticed that its the partition thats destroyed but the files are still on the card but of course you can not actually see them.

    Going to try and reformat the card into Fat16 and see if that helps resolve the issue.

    The only other thing I do is back up all my Edge files every day just incase the card loses its files.
  16. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    eventhough the EDGE card supports sdhc currently micro sd that is above 2gb is not recommended since all the shop i have been to when i ask them they only recommend 2gb there is a way though if u are using 4gb try not to squeeze it all up with roms leave some slack but even then it may not help just try it out u can put mp3 instead its not a solution lol just suggesting since u have so many space left technically u wont have time to play so much game either providing you are not stuck with only playing games on the ds ^_^(so the point is you can use 4gb but u cant use up all the space by putting rom it would freeze the game doesnt matter whether the micro sd is pirated or legit)
  17. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's always good to keep some MB left, just in case games save and create a save file, log reportings etc. You don't really need to backup all your data every day unless you subsequently work on a game for ages.
  18. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    i once get a rom save error then i get a little jumpy thinking it was soething big going on and it turns out i forgotten to leave some space for saving lol
  19. happyhel21

    happyhel21 Member

    Hi guys, thanks for all the responses. After reformatting both my cards they've not wiped, but i haven't been playing my ds much so i'll keep posted if it happens again - there are still some games that won't load though (worms open warfare still won't).
  20. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah there have been some problems with Worms, injecting it with Arm7 works though. Ask me if you want to find out more.
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