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Problems with FF7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by B0bo13o, Dec 30, 2008.

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  1. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Hey does any1 have a problem with FF7? I do, it will load and all, but when I select "New Game" it does nothing other than making the screen black.
    The "Continue" works fine, but I haven't started the game :-\

    I downloaded it from these links:
    Disk 1:
    Disk 2:
    Disk 3:

    Any have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. :)
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What emulator, version, plugins, etc. It is probably a plugin configuration problem.
  3. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Where can I find all that of which you are looking to know?
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What emulator, ePSXe, PSXfin, etc.

    Version would probably be in the Help -> About menu of the program.

    Plugins would be in the plugin configuration menu.
  5. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    I'm sort of lost
    I downloaded it using flashget+flashgot+mozilla
    It was RAR so I use WinRAR 3.70 and got a folder out of it, in side where the EBOOT and KEYS files.
    I placed that entire folder (as indicated) into PSP/GAME
    Turned on my PSP, FF7 was loading. It went to the start screen and I selected "New Game"
    After that nothing.
    I restarted the game and tried "Continue" and it went to the memory card loading screen.

    The M33 recovery menu:
    Plugins is empty
    Advance-> Advance Configuration->
    This has:
    Plain modules in UMD/ISO-Disabled
    Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO-Disabled
    XMB plugings-enabled
    GAME plugings-enabled
    POPS plugings-enabled

    MY PSP software is 5.00 M33-4

    I don't know what else...
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You're running it on a PSP and not an emulator, then :)
  7. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Oh ok. lol thanks for that
  8. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    So what should I do???
  9. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    You've gotta get a new popsloader prx. What is your firmware?
    EDIT: I read it, 5.00 M33-4. Let me find the link and instructions.
    Ok follow these directions at this link http://www.pspmod.com/forums/sony-psp-homebrew/38994-easy-popsloader-installation-setup.html
  10. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Just to make sure. What is the root of my PSP or where is it located? Scratch this question.

    I did as you said, but what exactly am i doing?
  11. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    when you hook up your psp into the computer you should get a window asking you what to do. click the "Open folders to view files". that should open a window with a couple of folders with one named "seplugins". BTW Im having the same problem.... (>T^T)>
  12. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

  13. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    OMG I GOT IT TO WORK!!! I used PSX2PSPV1.3 and put the EBOOT file where the iso file is suppose to go. its did what it did . I put the entire folder in the psp game folder an vouala!!

    I tried the thing with the downloading of the pop elite, but that didnt work so I just tried it with PSX2PSP. Never used it but it works. So now that im playing, so far so good! ;D
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Just so you know this might happen with every Final Fantasy game. I just downloaded Final Fantasy IX and I get the same problem. I know how to fix it now but just incase you were going to play the others.

    EDIT: I used this to fix my problem: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/628073
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