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Problems with a few games with my new Acekard2i

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by tugao, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. tugao

    tugao Well-Known Member

    I'm having a few problems with the following games:
    Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story: when I click start game the next screen where I have to choose which save file I want to use, it just doesn't let me do anything. Neither the stylus or any button work (however resetting the game does work using R+L+Select+Start)
    Zelda Spirit Tracks: when I start talking to Zelda the game freezes when she closes her eyes (the music goes on)
    Dragon Warrior 9: the screens are white from the start
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: when I start a new game the screens go black

    I just bought Acekard2i because it was supposed to work with most new games. I had M3 DS mini which didn't work with these (and other) new games. So far I put these 4 games on my acekard along with picross 3d and shin megami tensei devil's surviver. The first one I have played several hours and no problems so it's working for sure. The 2nd one I still haven't fought yet so it might have a problem like Zelda but I don't know.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Have you downloaded AKAIO, those games will work on the AKAIO firmware, although i would of assumed mario and luigi would of worked fine with the official firmware.
  3. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Get AKIO 1.7.1 and they will work like a charm:

  4. tugao

    tugao Well-Known Member

    Thanks! That worked! However I have encountered 2 minor problems. In Mario & Luigi there are a few graphic glitches in the upper screen when I'm controlling the lower screen and there are a few slowdowns/breaks when I get a new skill (while the 10 puzzle pieces appear and disapear) and when a character gets a rank up. In Zelda it's more annoying because it's significantly slower in cutsceenes. I have a regular DS. Is this normal?
  5. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Yes it is

    Do not forget we play copies of the games so that means sometimes there will be a glitch
    or something else (I used to have that to with my old phat DS but since I've got
    a new Ds lite the problems are gone)
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    No it's not, never happened with those games on my acekard 2.1 with akaio, unless they changed something with them in the recent firmware update
  7. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    What I meant was we use copies of the game so every problem that occurrs
    can becauses by dumping the game or our firmwire,
    but sometimes it is the DS itself ( like I have with my old phat DS)
  8. tugao

    tugao Well-Known Member


    One more question, although this one is not related to any games: the original firmware recognized MP3 files and this one doesn't. Maybe it has a way to recognize them that is simply not going to the folder where the files are. Is it possible to hear MP3 files with this firmware?
  9. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    With the original firmwire I don't know

    With AKIO it does not recognizes mp3 files but when you put moonshell on it
    you'll be able to listen to mp3 on a DS
  10. tugao

    tugao Well-Known Member

    Where can I get moonshell and how do I make it work?
  11. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Moonshell is a homebrew what enables you to play mp3 and .dpg
    video files ( like anime or a movie ).

    I've got it uploaded on media fire :



    Extract the folder moonshell v. 2.05 stable to your HDD
    and put everything ( a folder named moonshl2 and 3 nds files)
    to the root of your SD card.

    Start your DS and select languageslect.nds and select the language for moonshell
    moonshell will start and you've got moonshell on your system


    All 3 .Nd's files can be used to start up moonshell
    but moonshot2.Nd's is the normal one.
    always use languageselect.Nd's first when you put it
    on your SD card otherwise it will be in a rare language.

    Have fun with it
  12. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    off topic - a little kid dropped my DS phat and so now all colour on top screen is either purple , or very closely resembles whats going on on the bottom screen
  13. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Then I would say you've got a problem!!

    There are places where you can buy a new top and bottom screen,
    But they are only for the DS Lite.

    Parts for the Phat DS are not easy to get anymore.
    Find a phat DS with good screens and put them in yours,
    or buy a DS Lite or a 3DS IU would say.