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Problem with R4i flashcard

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by animefreakje, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. animefreakje

    animefreakje New Member

    As I found out while searching the internet, many people are now having trouble with the new firmware which completely blocks there flashcard.
    But I have a bit of a different problem.
    When I start my ndsi, the menu opens and I can still open my flashcard without any troubles.
    But then you can choose from 3 things: Games, Media and Slot 2.
    When I click on 'Games', the game menu opens but then blocks. I can't do anything :-\. And there doesn't come anything on the screen like 'error'.
    Strangely enough, 'Media' and 'Slot 2' do open without trouble and don't block at all.

    The firmware I use is R4i SDHC Rood firmware 1.08b and I already bought another Micro SD card, which also has the exact same problem.
    So if you know what I could do about it, please let me know! =3