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Problem with Proff Layton 2

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Jlav, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Jlav

    Jlav New Member

    I wasn't really sure whether to put this in the Game help or technical section so thought I'd start off here.

    I'm playing Professor Layton and Pandoras Box and so far have had no probs at all. However now I've got to the part where they are making their way through the forest to the Castle and there is a puzzle there called Forest Mushrooms (Puzzle 125).

    It's a 'maze' type puzzle and I am positive I'm putting in the right answer. Have checked this on 4 different walkthroughs which all show the same route as the correct answer but whenever I submit that as an answer it tells me it's incorrect!

    The problem is that I can't go any further through the forest without solving this puzzle. Some of the puzzles you can leave and carry on but it won't let me carry on. If I quit the puzzle it only lets me go back out of the forest to the town and I need to get to the Castle.

    In all other ways the game works normally so I don't know if I'm missing something obvious or if it's a problem with the game?

    Any suggestions?

    I'm using an Original R4 with firmware 1.18
  2. miguel11795

    miguel11795 Member

    Can you post your answer?
  3. Jlav

    Jlav New Member

    It's a path through the maze of tracks so don't think I can.

    I'll see if I can copy the pic from one of the walkthroughs.
    Post Merge: [time]1263131153[/time]
    Best I can do is post a link to one of the walkthroughs.


    It's puzzzle number 125 Forest Mushrooms.

    This is the answer I try to submit and it just keeps coming up as incorrect.

    Several other walkthroughs have the same answer.
  4. Hikusaak

    Hikusaak Member

    make sure that each spot is actually touched.

    To think that your DS or your rom is where the problem is, is kinda a bit far-fetched. It's more likely that you skip a spot or so, because it was "passed through" anyway, or something like that.. just trace it spot per spot, one by one, don't "jump".
  5. Jlav

    Jlav New Member

    Hikusaak you are a life saver!!!

    I can't tell you how many times I have input this answer and I fully agree that it was far fetched to be a problem with the ROM or DS. That's the reason I posted the question in here first rather than the technical help section but I did wonder if it might have been some sort of sophisticated Anti Piracy thing?

    Anyway I thought I was being careful when inputting the answer but after reading your post I tried again and made a point of literally 'stabbing' each individual spot very deliberately with the stylus and.....it worked!!!

    Thankyou so much. (Feel really stupid now though!! :-[ :-[