Well I recently registered and customized my account (as you do) and upon posting I realized that I couldn't see my signiture below my post. Now I thought this may be because of something to do with the dimensions of the image I put up, but I changed it frequently and came away with the same results. Then other people posted on my intro thread and I couldn't see there signatures either. Now I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, or that if anyone can see my signature.....but I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me to as to where I have gone wrong, have I been restricted in some way? is there a program I need? I have no problems on other forums, it just is strange to me. So if any help can be given, I would be thankful~ Here is a picture of what I am seeing:
LOL Wow I feel pretty silly now. Total fuss over nothing if it was that simple. Well its sorted now. Thank you Reider =3