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Problem keeping pokemon in PC in Platinum

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by darksteel88, Apr 13, 2009.

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  1. darksteel88

    darksteel88 Member

    I've sifted through the topics and I've tried some things but nothing worked. I tried patching it, downloaded 4 different versions and every time there's an error saving pokemon in my PC. I catch some pokemon and put them in my PC. The first time, it works, the Bidoof or the Bidood+Starly remained in the PC just fine. However, the next time I caught pokemon and put them in, everything except the original pokemon I boxed were gone. Also, if I did not save at least 2 times successively, it would not save. A single save would make me continue from the previous save. I could really use some help here.
  2. xXRemXx

    xXRemXx Member

    I believe someone is having a similar problem here: https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=16061.0

    So I'd check there periodically to see if a solution turns up. Good luck :]
  3. darksteel88

    darksteel88 Member

    Thanks for that topic, I posted there. Anyways, I've tried everything I can possibly think to try and nothing has worked.
  4. xXRemXx

    xXRemXx Member

    Well, Pokemon Platinum is big, so if a lot of people are having the same problem I'm sure a solution will turn up somewhere. Just might take a little while is all. ^^
  5. darksteel88

    darksteel88 Member

    I think the patch I just may have worked. It saved on the first try for once, I'm going to test the PC issue a couple of times.

    I know it's big and it will turn up eventually, but thing is, they're doing the FIRST pokemon event in Canada on Sunday and I've been collecting events for nearly 2 years now and have over 1500. This is a big thing for me, more than anyone knows, and I need to have a running Platinum. I'd honestly buy a game if it came to that at the end of the week.

    I patched it and it appears to be working fine, I've tested it more than once so far and it is working. What I need now is to know what we ripped from the game in this process. The file has lost over 28MB and that means they've taken some things out. I'm now testing wifi, I hope they didn't rip anything important.
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It is because of the savetype size.
  7. darksteel88

    darksteel88 Member

    Savetype size? I've played both Pokemon games before on this flashcart. The savetype has always been 512KB as far as I know, and trust me, I've done a lot of stuff with pokemon saves. The makers purposely did not include Korean (or non-Korean in the Korean game) because the language was too big. They were overly concerned about the size of the game/save, so this sounds very odd. The regular game is 128MB though, that we can (or should at least) agree on. However, the one I have after patching is just under 100MB. That means that 28 or so MB are no longer in the game. After what I've stated, they don't have extra space for no reason, they would use it. If you wouldn't mind elaborating on that, I'd enjoy to hear something that would make some sense.

    Oh, and thanks for responding, lol, after a rant of sorts.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the game is 100MB. The cartridge capacity must be a power of 2, so it is 128. Therefore there is 28MB of random/redundant data to fill the image out to the cartridge capacity.
  9. darksteel88

    darksteel88 Member

    Alright then, good enough. I knew that all games were power of 2, its basic binary there. I just didn't realize this game was only 100MB. I was playing Chinatown Wars from the same uploader as the one I'm using (Xenophobia), and the Wifi content was ripped out or something, so I was suggesting that it may be the same here. All I really care about is being able to beat the E4, trade on wifi, and grab my WC.

    Thanks for all the help, I do appreciate it. I spent a lot of time playing games and starting over because of it and whatnot, a lot of wasted time, and I've less than a week to complete it too.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Platinum's save file eventually reaches out past 512kB once you start saving more structures to it. Have you mentioned the flashcart that you use or?
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