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President Obama - The right choice?

Discussion in 'General News' started by damanali, Aug 22, 2009.

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  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    what can i say, but... BOOYAHH!!!

    Well, i'm a republican so i may be a one-sided here. But you got to give credit, he is doing something..but the problem in my opinion, is that Obama is more of a dreamer/idealist than a realist.

    Well, he did give hope amid the crisis which is a morale booster for the economy. Just hated the fact that even if he is doing his best, still there are many problems that are arising.
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    You can't expect someone to make a problem disappear in a snap.
  3. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Yup, thats why i hated that fact. You solve a crisis, then another arise or you think you solve a crisis but then there's a loophole and someone exploits it and the hole solution is back to square one.

    like our president when they toppled Erap. after 3 months in her seat, they are asking her to step down... the irony of history...
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    He's a breath of freash air that's for sure.

    But things haven't changed much-they just have a dude that isn't obsessed with blowing other nations up (for once)
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    The problem is that Americans are ignorant to change...
  6. catman8155

    catman8155 Member

  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Everyone expected too much.

    One thing I learned about politicians is that when they're on the soap box they'll promise the world. You have to cut through the shit to get to what they're going to do.

    I'd rather have an Obama type PM instead of Stephen Harper, Harper's almost a clone of Bush. Sadly he's the 'best' choice in the matter on the past election.
  8. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Neither Obama or McCain were good choices. The last presidential election was pretty much a vote for which person would do the least damage to the United States and the rest of the world.

    And no, it's not McCain.
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    clinton was praised for the bolstering of economy, but the rise was from reagan and bush sr. the problems today are from clinton... it takes 8-12 years for things to unfold... and the president is just a pretty face... congress makes the choices.... blame them
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Hm, i thought that when the US goes to war, its economy is boosted? Didnt you noticed that when ever there is a election, the economy goes down because the business people who really runs a country is on hold, and waits who would take rein of the government?

    If the new president has a new policy which is against the business, they pull out their resources and the government goes down. Why? Because a government can't run without business who pays the bulk of the taxes.

    No business - no taxes
    No taxes due to unemployment due to no business which pays the salary of the employed who pay the taxes which runs the government

    War is good for business specially in the US business. The war that the US is conducting is outside US soil, right? Therefore, The US produce needed goods to the country they are waging war. If there is no war, the business that produces those goods goes bankrupt cause nobody buys it/ a loss in income. Which leads to unemployment. Thats why the US is in recession.

    Well that are my thoughts. PLS! Correct me, everybody is not perfect so its our duty help each other correct mistakes. And dont bash me with the ****** words. Thanks!
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually the US recession was caused by the deregulation of financial markets and the mortgage industry.
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's how it goes with every president. In fact, if people were loving him even more than I'd be afraid since obviously he'd have spent all his time promoting then. He has got some tough choices to make, in the short-term people will hate it, because people are adverse to change. (not just Americans) Hopefully in the long-term they'll come to realize that the changes were for the positive.

    I sincerely hope he'll get a second term, or at least that another democrat will win the next election, the ignorance of many republican politicians scare me (Michele Bachmann, anyone?), and the obvious reluctance to vote for anything Obama proposes tells me that they're more interested in them being right than them helping America through a tough time.

    I know this doesn't reflect unto all Republicans, but ultimately the elected Republicans will try to please their voters, and the majority of their (vocal) voters scare the crap out of me.
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    If the republicans do want to win in 2012, they need to appeal more to the Moderates. Last election they decided that going after the far right vote was the way to win, and it lost it for them. Palin was a horrible choice, appealing only to the far right, and leaving the center/moderate side stranded, many switching their votes away from the republicans.

    Good things done so far by Obama:

    Putting more focus back on Afghanistan. A Republican leader wouldn't have done that.

    The stimulus bill. A small percentage of overall may be disagreeable to many, but it still was overall necessary. Sure we have a larger debt because of it, but at least the dollar is still worth something, rather than crashing completely.

    Cash for Clunkers. This program kick started the economy again. The company I work for has received enough from this program that we have been able to make profits again and are expanding our market outside the automotive industry. I hope that this month long spending stimulation has been enough to get the money flowing and remain flowing.

    Reversed bans on stem cell research set by the previous administration. Personal opinion here, but I believe this is a good thing.
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    well what we actully need is a person in the middle, a person that'll help with foreign and domestic relations... cash for clunkers was a good idea, but you need to read the fine print, it said "up to" not "exactly" the amount of money, and its not cash its a rebate... so if you can't afford the car then youre screwed. a republican leader would put the focus back on afganistan and do another troop surge (i like that idea of a huge wall of armament) what america needs to do is export more than they get in... what you people don't know is the business cycle, the economy can only go high for so long, then it crashes, and companies merge or die out. we have to deal with it by making more items and selling it to the world... thats how we make money. our deficit is what 1 tril at least... we need to finish the war by going into total war (that will lead to higher employment for a good time) and then we reinstate farmland for the rest of the us, America needs to slow the imports and become self-reliant... like the 1930's

    but i do agree, stemcell research is great hands down
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Not when the war is going to hell for the US just like right now in Iraq and Afghanistan. During World War II (in which it was a 'popular war'), the US economy got boosted because military vehicle manufacturing was heavily in demand. That opened a lot of jobs for a lot of Americans, which means more money in their pockets and more money to spend for themselves. Also, as a result of the aftermath of World War II, the US got their hands on German technology and started using it to improve many things for themselves.

    Absolutely false. We are involved in two wars right now, and I happen to work for a company that deals with the US military personnel that demands our products that we make for them. We don't have much people working in our company because we look for people with a specific education background of engineering and physics.

    At colleges and universities in US, how many people take on engineering/physics or math? Part of the high-employment rate is contributed by the lack of people taking high-tech majors such as engineering or physics. Most students piss their college money away on stupid arts-related or business majors, and after they graduate, they can't find a job. Why? Because they are competing against a huge group of people that did the same stupid thing.


    I'm a leaning conservative myself, but I do take offense when anyone tries to rub something like this in people's faces. For you to express people's lack of confidence in President Obama in a joyous manner is very offensive to me. Our current President is supposed to be the one that fixes problems that our country has, and our country doesn't need people like you celebrating his downfall. Shame on you for brandishing your Republican title and insulting my country.
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Have you even read the rules? It's either 3500(4-9MPG increase) or 4500(10+MPG increase) for the rebate. There is no real "fine print". The rules are available in full PDF form for anyone to read. By "up to" they were merely covering the fact that if you didn't increase in fuel economy enough, that you'd only get 3500.

    And of course it was only a rebate, you didn't get cash for just trading in your car, you had to be purchasing a new car. But even then, with the rebate and the dealership deals, you could be getting brand new 2009 vehicles for less than 10k, putting it well into the range of affordable for many Americans. Which is why in the first week some 150,000+ vehicles were purchased.

    And unlike the problem with mortgages going out to people who couldn't afford them, the same rules still applied for car loans, so they weren't handing these vehicle loans out to people that couldn't afford them. Credit checks, etc, where still being ran.

    I do not believe McCain would have shifted focus the way Obama did. They were pretty gung ho vs Iraq. Unless McCain had some Afghan campaign promise I missed somewhere during the two years of bullshit they (both sides) fed us prior to the election.
  17. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    well we should elect an independent just to show who runs the country... the educated peoples
  18. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    This couldn't be more wrong. Businesses don't stop when there's an election, because if anything else, the people being elected don't take power until a few months later. The 'US economy boosted' theory worked during WWII only because that was such a grand scale war, and there was no way to get supplies from remote countries like there is today, that yes, the US made lots of things like fighter planes in auto factories, and those were shipped to where the fighting was. But, alas, things are far different today than they were back then, and that is now just a myth.

    This isn't quite true. When the government has a new policy that is 'against business', businesses dont' pull their resources out... they only say they will, complain, and try and play chicken with the government hoping they will backtrack. When this doesn't happen, it's once again business as usual. The government doesn't 'go down' without businesses who don't pay their taxes for a few reasons, too: taxes are collected quarterly, each semi-annually, annually, etc, so they couldn't just stop paying 'out of the blue'. Businesses can't withhold taxes from the government, as that'd be tax evasion. And the government will never 'go down' because they control the money supply and how much debt the country has, they just print up more money. Shitty economics, but economics nonetheless.

    Not sure exactly how you get to unemployment--the only reasons businesses fail is because of their own operations, not anything the government does (at least right now, perhaps in the long past there was). And once again, read above--if the government is lacking funds, they simply print more money or go on a budget-cut marathon, the first of those is the more common approach.

    No, that's not true. The war the US is conducting is outside of the US, but that doesn't help the US in any way. In fact, it harms the US. Most of the suppliers we get materials from are from non-US suppliers that are closer to the region, and are often significantly cheaper. We're doing more harm than good by increasing the trade deficit. Even things like weapons and armor are bought by private contractors like Blackwater and Halliburton, who are the worst people possible to manage this kind of stuff.

    Done. :p
  19. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    We will just have to see if Obama is the right choice or not... he hasn't been in office for even a full year yet, so he still has over 3 years to prove himself... I supported McCain btw...
  20. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    who would vote for me if i decided to run for president?
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