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premium membership

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by BrandyKoopa92, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. BrandyKoopa92

    BrandyKoopa92 New Member

    When will premium membership be back getting sick of wating are you EVER gonna fix the problem ?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It means the Admin are working on a way around the problem. Finding a workable solution is easier said than done. So have patience.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    well I'm sorry, but what do you expect us to do when most of the payment providers don't want to provide us with service? It's not something we can just write magic code to fix.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Just got a new payment system going today. Hopefully this one will work for a long time.
  5. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    @seph what happened to the admin tag ? ie under your name .
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I was testing out the premium feature and didn't set myself as admin yet. :D
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Ain't gonna last more than 5 days? Any next plan to mitigate this problem? If none, then what happens next?
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    didn't even last 1 day, they gave us a week to stop using their service. So we're giving people the chance to buy premium for as long as we can, and then we will likely stop doing premium accounts because it no longer appears to be a viable business model. People who buy premium before the end of this week will continue to be premium until their time expires.
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    And so have you both think up of a new method in sustaining the site cost? A week is such a limited time to fish enough new premium members.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, we have only been given a week so a week it is.
  11. jobhater

    jobhater Member

    I'm trying to pay for premium, but the buttons are not active anymore. Is it still available?
    Post Merge: [time]1435074998[/time]
    Missed it by hours. Damn.
  12. MisakaMikoto

    MisakaMikoto Member

    Argh! Just missed it. [​IMG]

    Any chance I could just send a personal PayPal payment? I trust you guys.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we don't have a paypal account and aren't allowed to have one.
  14. MisakaMikoto

    MisakaMikoto Member

    I was talking individual accounts, person to person, but bummer.

    I s’pose you don’t take money orders?
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    "Rethink the site", as in payment service provider?

  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    as in change the business model because premium accounts are no longer viable, and ads don't pay well enough to support the site. So we need to work out another way of making the site pay for itself.
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I might be able to do the manual payment after a while, will need to make it easier to upgrade people to premium manually then. It's not something that's really scalable, though.
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I think this topic is better merged with this topic : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=64073.0. They're the same title, OP, and discussion. What's the point of having multiple topics on the same subject?

    In any case, I've noticed another rom sharing site (named similar to this forum) is facing the exact same issue. Coincidentally that site's admin is also creating a new site to replace it, as so was planned here.
  19. jobhater

    jobhater Member

    Let me know if you do take payment. I'm interested...most likely in the 6mo membership.
  20. jobhater

    jobhater Member

    Sell membership through eBay? Then the buyer uses PayPal for the eBay "item." I don't know. Just throwing out options. (As you can see, I want membership, lol.)