I recently became Premium and downloaded the Downloader, When i try to start it It starts to load but then freezes and says " NDSNR Has stopped working, Microsoft is searching for a solution to the problem...." then it exits. Ive installed .netfx all the way up to 4.0. I am running Vista, I have tried to run as admin, re-downloaded it, disabled Antivirus, nothing works. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks Rhok90.
Hey, sorry that I missed this. Could you try click on the get details link and copying all the details into a text file and then upload it somewhere? It's honestly a bit difficult to tell based on "NDSNR has stopped working."
Yes. And then a error dialogue pops up where you can report it to Microsoft right? There is a small link in that pop up to get technical details, those would really help.
If there is no "Details" button then look for a button with a dropdown icon (arrow pointing down) and click on that to see if the data comes up.
Theres no arrow tho or button of any kinda expect "Okay" This is a screenshot of the Error http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8761/ndsnr.jpg
This is going to be difficult to debug then, but I shall try a few options and hopefully it'll work then. Please give me a bit of time to get thing sorted.