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Power to the People!

Discussion in 'General News' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Feb 22, 2010.

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  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Today is February 22, the start of the three day remembrance period for the greatest gift our country has given the world, that being the three days leading to the end of a 20 year Military Dictatorship & the return of democracy to our country by means of a People Power Revolution, that is a revolt not based on violence & bloodshed but one based of prayer & kindness.


    Well yeah, Atheists will have a field day with me saying something like "prayer brought down a fascist regime", but that was kinda what happened back then. One memorable scene from back then were the nuns facing Military tanks hands held together in prayer while random folk handed food & flowers to their would be military assassinators/killers/murderers who'd either gun them down or plow them down with said tanks.

    But truth be told, several high ranking Military officials who mutinied against Ferdinand Marcos had a hand in the whole event, but it was the millions who flocked EDSA who really won the revolution.

    Hearing this song once again:

    Brings shivers down my spine :)

    Sorry I can't find a video of or mp3 stream of the English version titled "A New and Better Way" for you outside our country.

    Anyway, my memories of this date was that School was suspended for several days (I was seven at that time & was in first grade) & me & my neighborhood friends used to act out the events of the day as seen on the news. One "disgusting" memory I can recall off the bat is when me & my cousin were acting out Ferdinand Marcos *shivers in shame* while our friends were re-enacting Fidel Ramos & the other Military officers who mutinied against Marcos. We were playing inside a house that was being constructed re enacting that scene where Marcos was held up in PTV 4 (Now NBN 4) and we were throwing rocks/brickwork at our friends who were trying to siege our "hideout".

    Being innocent & ignorant was such bliss ain't it? LOL!

    Anyhoo, after all that has have happened leading to how sunk our country is now, I've got to agree with several Political analysts at my Uni, who say that, though Marcos was a Dick-tator, his regime was able to stabilize our country's economy & overall stature in the world. And I too agree with them in that, if the price for economic stability was your freedom, I'd rather have Marcos stayed on instead.
  2. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    your so... old...

    its my birthday yesterday too haha
    noynoy could have an advantage for this
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not really, I fear Noy-noy might follow the same path his mother took when she became President as both of them are in experienced when it comes to Politics.

    Cory was in experienced as she was just a typical housewife who was "forced" to run for President due to the clamor of the people. The same is true with Noy-noy, add to this the fact that he was never a prominent Senator, a matter Cory said she was very disappointed at him when she was still alive.
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