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Post Your Best/Funniest Pokemon Battling Moments Here

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Just now, I beat this kid's uber team on PBR random matchup with just a Breloom and a Scizor. The kid disconnected after I OHKOed his Latias and Deoxys with a +6 Swords Dance and Bullet Punch.

    I started with Choice Scarfed Breloom.
    He sent out Meganium. (I know, wtf...on an ubers team...)
    Spored his Meganium.
    We both switch.
    I sent out Scizor.
    He sent out Latias.
    Latias used Earthquake - not even 1/8 of my health. (Latias, with Earthquake?)
    Scizor used Swords Dance.
    Latias used Hyper Beam - not very effective, even less damage than last time. (Latias with Hyper Beam? wtf?)
    Scizor used Swords Dance.
    Latias wasted a turn to recover.
    Scizor used Swords Dance.
    err...I mean...
    Scizor used +6 Bullet Punch. OHKO.
    He sent out Deoxys.
    Scizor used +6 Bullet Punch. OHKO.
    He disconnected in pure humiliation.

    A little sidenote: I HATE people that disconnect in the middle of a match. Not that the wins really matter, but still. I also hate it when people give up too. I was going to give up right as the match started because he used an Uber team, but to my surprise, I kicked his ass.
  2. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Not mine, but my a good friend and classmate of mine is the UK Pokemon Champion. He went to the world finals and fought against and lost to the japanese. He's at his last pokemon- lose or win- used a move with 80 accuracy 3 times- each one missed..... he lost. Its almost as if they've found a way to abuse the in game random number generator D:

    He's still awesome for being Pokemon master of the UK :D
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    It's exactly that reason why I choose accuracy over power. I don't think the results are truly random, but more pseudo random where the events are determined by other events in such a way that it produces "random" results.

    Sometimes I like to believe the game knows your situation and taunts you by having an 80% accuracy move fail 3 times in a row. I remember the TCG for the GBC and the coin flips were predetermined (stick it in an emulator and you'll see).
  4. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Trust me- a random number generator is used along with probability fractions. there's an in-battle and out of battle one. u can easily abuse the out of game one and get legit shiny pokemon.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just battled Lance on SS, purely legit, with no pokemon higher than 45, and the average level being 42, and the first time I battled him, Stone Edge did not hit twice and cost me the match. That Charizard is a pain in the ass for my team. I ran into this scenario about 3 times, either Aerodactyl the Level 50 Dragonite, or Charizard sweeping my team.

    I reset and tried it again, having pure luck on my side. I Static-paralyzed his Aerodactyl, which guaranteed me the kill on the next turn, I Discharge-paralyzed his Gyarados just before it, guaranteed another kill, and Freeze hax on BOTH his Dragonites, and Stone Edge hit this time getting x4 super-effective on Charizard. He didn't use any Full Restores, thank God, since none were in the red.

    on a side note, what's with all of the rental passes on PBR? They're a cakewalk for even my UU/NU teams...
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I remember the sad end to my gameboy. I was in church waiting for class when this random feraligator in pokemon silver popped up. It killed the rest of my team except for my level 5 togepi. I think the feraligator was level 50 or something.For some reason it could attack me so I just kept using metronome until i beat it :D
  7. Maulic

    Maulic Member

    My match vs Falkner in SS;
    His pokemon; Pidgey/Pidgeoto (i misspelled it, didn't i?)
    My pokemons; Tododile, Togepi, Ekans

    Ok vs the pidgey, i started with Ekans (cause it was the first pokemon in my party) so i used Bite untill the Pidgey was dead, easy enough.
    And then he pulls out Pidgeoto, who rest spamms untill it finally killed my Ekans (2 gust...), so i pull out Tododile, it took 3 gust untill it died...
    so i only had Togepi left, and since i just love Metronome, i can't help but spam it as much as possible ^^
    Anyways, first round with Togepi i got "Lock-On", with is as you know, a will not miss next attack skill, and by that time Pidgeoto had used Roost to gain some hp (although it already had around 98%.. still good for me though).
    Second round Pidgeoto used Gust witch left my Togepi with 3hp if i remember correctly, and i used Metronome and what do i get? A Horn Drill!

    You guys should have seen my face! Never been so surprised in my life (ok maybe i have.. but still ^^)
  8. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    in diamond, I beated my friends level 80 groudon using level 70 ninetales
  9. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    It must've been about 2004. I was in a double battle against my stepdad; he had a Golem and some flying type out, while I was down to my Tentacruel. I remember the flyer not being an issue so I ignored it and focused on Golem. Thinking Surf wouldn't do enough to take it out, I decided to go with Ice Beam since I could focus all of its 95 power on it. His Golem held on with a sliver of HP and downed my Tentacruel with Earthquake, ending the match.

    I'm not sure if using Surf (cutting its power in half) would have worked; at around 42.5 power x 4 = 170 total power. Ice Beam (power 95) doubled is 190, so I suppose my Tentacruel was doomed to begin with.

    Of course, if move power isn't cut in half like that then I could've won.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Did you factor in STAB? 95 x 3 = 285. Or 95bp x(3/2)STAB x4 weakness /2 targets
    According to that, you should have used Surf...
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Playing my Sandstorm team against my best friend's Hail team. Then he used Pursuit on the way out and (I think) killed me. Acid Rain activate, baby.
  12. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I beat my brothers lvl 50 Scizor, lvl 48 Wiscash, and lvl 49 Rhydon with a lvl 45 Butterfree
  13. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Compoundeyes + Sleep Powder, right? Hahaha.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh, another one I forgot - going 6-0 by pulling off an insane Marowak sweep. I tore that team apart.
  15. Lysergic420

    Lysergic420 Active Member

    In primary school my mate challenged me to a 1 on 1 Pokemon battle.
    I had yellow version so I used my pikachu and he had a golem.
    I mega punched my way to victory and to this day he claims I cheated for not using electric type moves.
    He just can't accept that I owned him so badly :p
  16. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Tentacruel is dual-typed, so STAB is only +25%.

    95 * 1.25 = 137.5 * 4x weakness = 275 / 2 targets = 137.5 total power

    Then Ice Beam...

    95 * 2x weakness = 190 total power, single target

    I made the right call after all... so Tentacruel was screwed from the beginning.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Taken from bulbapedia.

    So I am right.
  18. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid I'll have to see a more convincing source before I concede.
  19. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    My God. This is the first time I have read this kind of competitive battles in pokemon with math in it. :)

    I always thought pokemon battles are simple 'STAB move your way to finish' nor the realization that damage calculation could be this profound. I might make a noob competitive pokemon team and try doing some wi-fi battles.

    Just a question: Do you people cheat pokemon in a tolerable manner? I mean like catching a specific pokemon fast or having the desired nature on first battle but no stat changing and other uber cheats.
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The more complicated answer.

    Ctrl+F for STAB, and you'll see there is 2 for adaptability, 1.5 for STAB, and 1 for regular.
    Nowhere in that entire wall of text does it mention that you receive half the STAB bonus for dual typing.