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Post a pic of your transportaion be it a plane,train or automobile!

Discussion in 'Sports' started by KeirinRacer, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Well i'm new here so I thought it'd be fun if members posted some bike pron to share and laugh about.

    We all live active lifestyles and are all someway or another influenced by the greenlifestyle movement. Be it by recycling/composting/re-use plastic bags/more trips via public transport.

    So here's my geared GT crit bike:


    My spinning machine fixed wheel:


    And my grocery run workhorse (along with a fuji mtn not shown):


    Seems like everybody's becoming a hipster nowadays but I'm fine with that. Less with the h8'in and more with the ridin' I say ;D
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    I can't ride a bike, my balance does not allow me to.
  3. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    ;D Loony Lion. Is that because you get tanked up on "liquid nourishment"? Swimming and riding are not the same thing (from reading your exercise post). It's not too late to learn and it's fantastic when you feel the wind rush on your face when hill bombing at over 70kph!

    Best way to learn---> Start from a hill and just roll down it. The momentum keeps you up! Well at least it did for me at age 8 ;D
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    no its because one side of my head weighs more than the other, so my balance is screwed.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    I don't have a bike because I'm cheap as hell. :p
    I make do with walking and the bus/train.
  6. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    Hey man...Whatever works for you. It's lucky you have a reliable public transport system you can count on. Over where I am you can w8 20mins+ and two of your buses will come hand in hand Tandem Style!!! Grrrr!!!

    Plus there's nothing like the rush of riding through traffic ;D
  7. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    What Looney Lion?!? You means your head is unbalanced like this:


    Lol...I certainly hope not because that'd suck big time. No bike riding...Oh what a travesty that would be!
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    no... My left ear does not have any ossicles (the small bones in the inner ear that transfer sound from the eardrum to the cochlea) and my right ear does, thus the right side of my head weighs more than the left. Additionally, since the organs of balance are in the inner ear, thats a further reason for my balance to be screwed.
  9. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    Hmmm. Now that is strange indeed looney lion. Considering that the problem is to do with the ossicles and not with the actual fluid containing bits of your ear. You'd bet that the only effect would be loss of hearing on that side not actual balance as thats controlled by the fluid like I said. Just a quiet observation here as I am not a GP or anything.

    Sorry to hear about your ear and if you've ever seen films like "The Island" and "Blade Runner" then there's hope for the future as you can just grow new ossicles and pay some dudes in white coats to implant them for you ;D
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it was a woman in a white coat that removed them...
  11. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Isn't that the operation that you woke up in the middle of? I keep remembering you saying that.
  12. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Whoah! Now thats getting into the land of law suits! So it was local anesthetic and you woke up mid-op!? That must have been real weird looney lion. Did you do the US birth right and sue the doctors for giving you permanent mental scarring? Some woman in a white coat indeed! More like a trainee nurse to me bud.

    I tell ya. Medical school nowadays sure aint like the quality of old. Anyone can fudge their resume or bribe the right official and Wham! Instant diploma. Take over here for instance. A HK woman had her right breast removed by mistake because of a mix up with her x-rays. The docs thought she had a malignant tumour so they lopped it off! Then there was the case of the hospital coroner labeling the wrong body so the family had a funeral to a complete stranger. Or the case where the docs prescribed the wrong medicine to a patient and ended up killing him! So many botch jobs here in HK man. DO NOT COME over looking for cheap operations. You have been warned!
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it was a general anaesthetic, the IV ran out and they didn't notice in time. I was awake for less than three seconds, not long enough to feel anything. I didn't complain or anything, people sue other people far too often for my liking, and besides, it wasn't the surgeon's job to keep me asleep, so it wasn't her fault.
  14. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    Re: Post a pic of your bike(steed) 'cos you live a greenlife

    what a load of horseshit
    just admit that youre a fatass ;D

    this is what we have here in the ph
    perfect place for pervs and thieves

  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually that is the cause of 80% of my deafness in that ear as well

    I'm clinically underweight...
  16. KeirinRacer

    KeirinRacer Active Member

    Don't be Hate-In in this forum dude! The world's already full of that and it's not welcome in this day and age....of course if you are one of those corrupt government officials or CEO of "shady arms profiteering mega conglomerates" who caused this worldwide credit crisis then you can go to Hell & Back without a golden parachute. Other than that diatribe I welcome your pic.

    LOL...what was that customized bus called now....Is it a Jeepney? I'm surprised you didn't post a pic of a Tuk-Tuk Black Sun. Man that chase scene in "Ong Bak" was Legendary! Gooooo! Tony Jaa!
  17. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    in the west they mostly call this a JEEPNEY

    here in the ph we just call it a jeep or in plain filipino dyip. and whats a tuk-tuk?

    and im not hating...

    im even forcing him to change something... now what might that be?
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I strongly suggest you don't force me to do or change anything, I do not respond favourably to that kind of pressure, and I may well do something you would regret.
  19. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    *gulp* hahaha lol

    im just suggesting those stuff i cant go to africa point a gun at you and say switch to ************
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    This is my transportation vehicle ;)
    Because of the credit crunch and fuel prices i've been having to use this though-