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Poll: who do you worship?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by buchichu, Sep 25, 2010.


what religion do you follow?

  1. Christian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Islam

    0 vote(s)
  3. Athiest/Agnostic

    0 vote(s)
  4. Hindu

    0 vote(s)
  5. Buddhism

    0 vote(s)
  6. Judaism

    0 vote(s)
  7. other (list if you want)

    0 vote(s)
  8. Seph

    0 vote(s)
  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    don't take offense if I didn't list yours, just going by more popular by number ones...just curious as to what people here believe, if they're active in their beliefs or were just born into it and follow it as a result.

    any family conflicts with your beliefs? anyone marry outside of their religion or raised in a multi-religious household? share if you want, it's a lazy kind of saturday afternoon.
  2. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    i don't have a religion.
  3. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    in that case you'd check "Athiest/Agnostic"
  4. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Post Merge: [time]1285450358[/time]
    god is a lie
  5. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I'm a catholic. BUT! I don't believe in god anymore... I've had many incidents in my life where the true purpose and reality of my religion came into question.
    Sadly, I cannot express my philosophical and theological views because my family is very religious...

    'Tis the curse of a scientific mind bound by the laws of rationality and logic.
  6. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    HAHA...we all atheists!!!!
  7. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

  8. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    ??? if god is cake, he's long dead in my belly!
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Scientology :p


    Just kidding.

    I couldn't check Agnostic as my choice because of an old discussion thread here on the forums.

    See I used to think I was Agnostic because I have faith on a belief system (not an established religion) that I conceived by getting bits & pieces of beliefs, teachings & canons from various religions I have heard of & studied on.

    I was born a Roman Catholic but early on started questioning the church's teachings.

    I started changing my beliefs to accomodate teachings from other religions. I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ & all, but instead of going to a heaven, limbo or hell I believe in reincarnation & Karmic Justice. Also, seeing as the Judea-Christian story of creation was "incomplete" in my eyes (seeing God created everything from nothing) I searched for a more "logical" story (gee as if religion & logic go with each other). The answer I found, came from the Wiccan creation story where "God" made everything from something.

    And it was because of beliefs that I have that somebody here on RomUlation (I just can't remember if it was suisiseki or tehuber1337) told me that I am not an agnostic as Agnostics acknowledge that there "might" be a God, but they do not acknowledge any one God.

    I kinda am like that, I do not acknowledge any one but, but I DO acknowledge several.

    Oh & before I forget, be wary of haters, flamers & trolls who "might" have a field day on your thread buchichu. As many old "Religion" discussion threads that were posted before got so intensly trolled & flamed that many had suffered the consequences of either getting warned, tempo banned or worse perma banned because of it. This also lead the admins to finally decide that any religion threads should be disallowed whether they be debate topics or not.

    However, forumers have grown wiser nowadays though, but still being wary is still advised :)


    Err... I knew it!

    This thread's going downhill already because of immature folk posting for the fun of it :p
  10. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    atheism rules
  11. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    meh...I don't care if people get silly, I really don't. and if people get hateful and break the forum rules, that's what the mods are here for...I was just curious as it came up in another thread. thought it might spark some interesting discussion some people might get a kick out of.

    I don't take message boards too seriously, it's here for my amusement so as long as people continue to amuse me they can do it in whatever form they want

    edit: thanks for the heads up though :)
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    This should be taken down dear. religious topics are never any good.

    I am going to lock up my serial killer topic too.
    I'm sorry I started a wave effect of people posting things like this.
    This will end up nothing but a flame fest.
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I think there was a lot of good conversation going on in your topic; there's always potential for flaming. hit one of the pokemon threads, you'll probably see more flaming there than here. in any case, the fear of some people not behaving shouldn't intimidate the rest of us into locking threads or avoiding subjects. like the old saying "kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out" let's just say "discuss it all, let the mods sort it out" ;)
  14. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    It's not fair to the mods, nor is it fair that a stray comment might actually hurt someone's feelings.
    Just keep it in check please.
    Good luck with it.
  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    my hope is always that people leave their feelings offline since it's far too easy in the anonymous blackness that is the internet for people to get...nasty. in the meantime, I expect people to take responsibility for their own posts and hope the mods can see past a little bickering which can easily be interchanged with "debating."

    because man, I was SO ticked off when my circumcision thread got locked. >:C
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    My answer is at the top and bttom, if you don't want to read what I have to say.
    Making a poll is a bit too much. (It feels like your asking, who would win -_-)
    Well, im not sure.
    My parents have different religions
    (I know that doesn't mean that I should follow what they follow, but that's usually how it goes)
    We do as we are taught, so who knows im a bit skeptical, I guess. (not an atheist)
    If you are brought up to be a catholic person for example thats all you will know.
    (until someone convinces you otherwise, not that id want to)
    Many people don't see the roots of specific religions (books lie people)
    An example of a person who does not know what hes talking about (lets say, confused):
    So my friend is a catholic (mexican), he believes in god.
    I asked him to go to BK with me, and he responded
    "I can't eat meat today", I asked why, and he responded
    "It is a sin to eat meat on this day"
    (I went to go eat anyway and he told me that I would go to hell...-_-, he joined me anyways)
    "Why is it a sin?" I asked (I like to ask questions just out of curiosity, not to challange people)
    He then responded "I don't know".
    Then I told him why he was doing it, if he did not know why (the reason)
    (why do something your being told, if you don't know for what reason ?)
    He then approached me the next day saying how he was wrong, and it was not a sin, it was tradition (in catholisism).
    I then said "oh", and told him that it would be better for him, if he knew a little bit more about his religon, before he practices it.
    He did not seem to pleased by this comment (suggestion).
    Another day I told him the tradition/generation aspect of religon (as stated above)
    He said he knew about god since he was born.
    Which I find to be complete bolonni...
    I told him that someone had to teach him the "catholic religon".
    He responded to this by saying he was catholic since the womb.
    He then said "I like this (the arguing) You can't win, I will always be right (he destroys my logic by explaining nothing and not listening to what I have to say -_-)
    I have had other conversations with him, but at the moment can only remember these.
    I just wanted to let him see how ignorant he was to follow something and not knowing the reaons behind it.
    (this is how most religious people are, they are defensive from the get-ko)
    Also, he knows that his religion does not allow drug-use yet he does extasy.
    I do not know the "Bible" completely, only a few things, so I cannot argue further than this.

    And the battles between Chrinstians and Chatolic (debating on such topics as halloween)
    My friend says he has a problem with christians because they don't like halloween.
    For his info: There are also the diffrent religons between Christians - Mormons/Bapthist/Pentecostal etc... all have christian roots, but believe in either the ghost, the holy spirit, the son (some do halloween, some don't.)
    I advised him to learn more about the Christian religon before he starts to crtitizise them.
    I have also told him to learn more about the dark side (know [learn] about your enemy well, and theyre temptations)
    He said he avoids that at all cost.

    I believe that there is someone bigger than us out there (not necessarily an old guy with a beard) but,
    I believe this "being" limits our minds to what we cannot comprehend.
  17. King Cookie

    King Cookie Well-Known Member

    Just a clarification, I'm pretty sure a Catholic is also a Christian. A Christian is anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God.
  18. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Well in the Chatolic religon (Mexican) they usually worship more the virgin mary rather than jesus or god.
    Also Saints (lots of them, and in some cases other virgin Mary's)
    *looks at book he wrote, and is surprised
    Well this is another thing my friend and me argue about:
    [I will only state what I said as It will be to long]
    Why worship the virgin Mary...she was only chosen, that didn't mean she did not have children afterwards.
    The Catholic religion also repeats verses such as the one that asks the virgin Mary to take care of them during the night and keep evil out (there are plenty others).
    Also the persignar (to gyrate your hand across your body.)
    I think if you believe in someone greater (creator) you should consult him (spiritually) with whatever you are feeling at the time, rather than spit out mindless gibberish, which you had to memorize.
    and please read the book I wrote before judging me. :D
  19. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member


    The strongest of the almighty mods that keep threads from going to shite.
  20. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    here he comes...
    aaahhhh! its seph XD
    and he has come with his mighty lion (loony) j/k