i'm excited to get a copy of the remake of soul silver and heartgold. however, i got one question. does the pokewalker work on the normal Ds lite? i've been seeing people who bought the japanese version of the game using DSi's with their pokewalker. the pokewalker seemed to be like some re-make of the tamagochi game but with your pokemon! HAHA. that's cool
The pokewalker works on both DS and DSi.... You basicaly transfer one of your pokemons to the pokewalker via wi-fi and you start walking.... Each time you take step your pokemon gains 1exp.... You could also cheat and just shake the pokewalker and gain exp that way since it cant tell the difference....
I've heard that the card has a special infrared chip in it, but I will tell you when I get the Pokewalker and test it with the rom.
actually it remind me of Tamagochi then Digivice.... of course i been playing Tamagochi before they become Digivice.
@calvin_0: True haha. i had no sleep when i got my tamagochi before. hahahaha. it's fun. this pokewalker sure does brings back memories. haha @ace1o1: hmm. alrighty. let us now what happens if the pokewalker works via wi-fi. but i think the special infrared on the chip is used for mystery gift or something. or maybe just the pokewalker itself. can't wait till you try it dood. hehe
I'm guessing it be more using Mystery event to exchange like ranch. Or use the infrared like the mystery event back in G\S\C. My money is on the former tho i know i still have my digivice somewhere
The Pokewalker works with any DS , all you need is the game card and the trick is to point the pokewalker to the game card which is located on the back of your DS and push on the transfer button.. the game card comes with an infrared chip and the pokewalker too.. so basically the pokewalker receive the information from the game card through infrared.. and when you're done walking.. you can send the information back to the game card by the same way..
Not true, some people have had success from using the Pokewalker with a rom. It was on Kazowars site a long time ago.
haha we all want it! we'll just have to wait and see if it really does work (pokewalker) with the rom.
If one were to get the rom, without buying it, how would the pokewalker work? ... as in, where can you get the pokewalker, other than by buying the actual game? Somehow I doubt they sell it separately.
Lvlin up pokemon as you walk seems pretty useful to me. Reminds me of the times when small digital pets were popular back in elementary school.
The pokewalker would make leveling up to easy because if its like a regular walker thing (forgot the name) you could just carfully open it up and easily make the exp flow. Of course if you cant do that theres always shaking
hey guys jus wondering, but the rom it self isnt out yet right? cus i work at a gamestop and we have the game already, i was able to get a pokewalker but not the game, dam manager almost caught me lol, so i have the walker, jus waiting to see if it works with the rom, its not out yet is it?